11 - Because we're friends

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Haeun Pov

"Ya! What are you saying?"

"Hahaha i'm just saying that i will protect you as your friend." Haeun's heartdrop. He just told her that they will be nothing and only friends.

"Oh i know but you don't have to hold my hand." Haeun rolled her eyes and Yoongi shook his head.

"Fine, i'm sorry. Did i make your heart skipped a beat?"

"You didn't so don't get your hopes high." You did, but it was for nothing. The both of us ate and played arcade. To be honest it was fun but it will be better if he didn't make me feel worst. I've like him for awhile but i know he only treats me like a close friend because i am Jungkook's wife.

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked as he took a sip of his bubble tea.

"Yoongi, don't you ever like someone before?" I asked and Yoongi almost choke on his bubble tea.

"Why the sudden question. Of course i've like someone but, i don't think she'll like me." Again my heart skipped a beat.

"Haeun, please keep a secret." I got closer to him and it was too dangerous for my heart.

"I like Yuna a lot. But she kept saying that we can't be together. You know i only look at you as a friend right?" Haeun laughed as she got feel her tears welled up in her eyes.

"Of course. Yuna will also like you alot. Ya Yoongi ah its getting late and i have to get home before Jungkook."

"Alright sure, get home safely alright!" Yoongi turned around as he walked away leaving me who was still staring at his figure.

"At the end of the day, i'm back to where i am." I heave out a sigh as i walked along the streets. Head hung low as i tried to hold on to my tears.

"I can't even get mad because he is in love with my bestfriend but i can't accept it." Finally, all my tears that i've hold on for too long fell. That night, i was crying a river as everyone looked at me. At that moment i just want to forget everything.

"Ya get up." Haeun stop crying as she heard a familiar voice. She look up and saw Jungkook standing infront of her.

"Why are you here?" Haeun asked as she stood up.

"Why is your eyes so red. What are you crying about."

"Its none of your business." Haeun walked ahead as she wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm not embarrassed of you being my wife. Just one thing i don't want is Yeeun hurting you. Didn't Yoongi tell you anything?" I turned around as i furrowed my eyebrow.

"He didn't."

"I knew it. Yeeun... Is the girl that both Yoongi and i fought about. Its funny how she now comes to me instead of Yoongi. I used to like her, well not now. Its all in the past."

"Why are you telling me this Jungkook?"

"Yes you told me its none of my business but it is because you're my wife and i am your husband. I am telling you so that you still know that nobody can have me." Jungkook took a step closer as he wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry for always being mean to you. I can't help it because, i can't suddenly change."

"I didn't ask you to." I said and Jungkook pat my head.

"I will be better, so don't worry and stop crying." I push his hand away as i glared at him.

"I'm not crying because of you." I turned around and walked ahead.

Just when i thought i will go back to being lonely, i was wrong. When this guy first entered my life, its always been a mess and now that mess is what i need to keep me from being all lonely again.


As soon as we arrived home, i plopped down on the sofa as Jungkook sat beside me.

"What do you like about Yeeun?" I suddenly asked and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"Now that i look at her, i too question myself that. I guess thats why Yoongi didn't tell you. Probably he thought... the same." Jungkook answered as i turned to look at him.

"Tomorrow is a weekend,  do you want to drink?"

"Well, alright why not." I walked to the fridge as i took out 4 bottles of soju and 3 bottles of beer. I put the bottles down as i rushed to the kitchen and took out the glasses.

"Let's start. Today nobody is allowed to sleep not until these finishes."

"Alright." I start to mix the beer and soju together in the glass. Jungkook took one glass as he drank it one shot. I too did the same as i high five with him.

"It feels good!" I said excitedly and Jungkook nod his head agreeing with me. The both of us continue drinking about 4-5 glasses still feeling okay. We kept pouring the alcohol as we kept drinking.

Author Pov

"Jeon Jungkook you idiot." Haeun said slurring her speech as Jungkook came back with 2 more bottles of Soju.

"Why am i an idiot?" Jungkook asked as he opened the bottle and gulping down the bottle.

"Give me that." Haeun too did the same as she put the bottle on the table.

"Jeon Jungkook, we are married but we never slept with each other before." Haeun got closer to Jungkook as she pull Jungkook's collar.

"Am i not attractive?" She asked and Jungkook stared at her with lust.

"If you're not, i won't fall for you hard like i am now. You're the reason why i got worried everytime." Jungkook pull her face closer as he kissed her roughly. That night, neither of them knew it will cause a regret in the morning.


Haeun stretched her arm as she accidentally touched Jungkook's face. Haeun open her eyes as she look down at her naked body. Slowly, she turned her head to the side and saw a naked Jungkook beside her.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" She yelled out loud and Jungkook too woke up as he look at Haeun with horror.

"What happened?!" He asked and Haeun smack his arms.

"Why are you asking me that. I can't remember anything!!!"

"I think we were too drunk yesterday.. The alcohol must've took over us." Jungkook spoke as he covered himself with the blanket. Haeun look under the blanket and again she screamed.

"Why why.." Jungkook too look as they both got out of the blanket.

"It .. happened right?" He asked and Haeun smack his back.

"I hate you." With that Haeun took the blanket as she ran to the bathroom.

On the bed, was blood and they both knew what happened yesterday.

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