03 - Because thats not the real you

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Jungkook smirked as he carried his tray, walking away from there. I hung my head low and Yoongi ran to me. He stood infront of me to take a look at me. He remove all the food and he wipe the milk on my face using a tissue.

"It's alright. I'll make sure that jerk regrets it." I grab his wrist and shook my head.

"Don't. You'll suffer even more." Yoongi turned to me as he grab my wrist dragging me away from the cafeteria. The both of us went to the sink near the basketball court. I wash my hair and wipe my top.

"I already told you. Jungkook isn't someone you should mess with."

"No, we should mess with him more because one thing that he is afraid of is to dirty his name." I clenched my fist with the towel in my hand.

"He is a devil wearing an angel costume as a disguise. I'm telling you he is the worst that you can ever met." Yoongi throw the towel on the ground as he kick it. He was mad, i have no idea what past they have but for Yoongi, i can see that the past ruined him. Both inside and outside.

"Yoongi, what past do you have with Jungkook?" I asked as we took a sit on the bench. Yoongi hung his head low and he ruffled his hair. He was still deciding whether or not he should tell me.

"Fine. Jungkook wait no, Bangtan.. I used to be one of them. Of course before everything was a mess i was one of them. Jungkook and i.. We are all close friends, we share everything with each other be it secrets, food just anything." Yoongi said with a smile. Thinking back those times when he was with Bangtan must've made him happy.

"I like this girl.. She was pretty and she was i can say my ideal type but Jungkook like her too. Way too much ... I share it with them and Jungkook's face changes as he walk to me and grab my collar." He stop as he took a deep breath.

"Why do you like her? I like her first. I should be with her. He said to me in an angry tone. I told him that he can have the girl so in the end, i gave up and let him have her. It turns out she was only treating him as a friend and she was just giving him false hope. She like me and confessed to me. Jungkook got mad as he began to punch me saying i stole her."


"He was childish at that time. I remember grabbing his collar and pinning him to the wall. I yelled at him and said why can't he accept it? He said to me that i was a liar. The next day in school, our group split into half. Me, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. They told us to go back together but Jungkook refuses. I don't want to be with a liar thats .. what he said." Yoongi stop and he cover his face with both his palm.

"At that moment i knew something had to be done before it got worst and would affect our group. I left the group. After i left, Jungkook got worst. He would ask some guys to pick a fight with me. One day he was talking to a guy about going to a party that i knew he won't attend. I overheard it as i walked pass them. The next day they started chasing me saying i was the one that ruined it when i have no clue about it. They beat me and ruined me. Now i can't fight someone without going physical. Thats what Jungkook has done to me. He ruin me inside and outside." I hugged Yoongi to comfort him from the loneliness. How lonely was it for him to leave all his friends. I look at Yoongi and he looks so sad.

"I don't know what i should feel. To be honest after losing them i don't trust anyone anymore. After i met you, i guess you're the one who open up the door that closes my heart."

"I'm glad. So Yoongi if you're not feeling okay please talk to me and be honest with me." Yoongi smile and nod his head.

"You too." He showed his pinky and we did a pinky promise.

"Do you still talk to them?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Its best that way." The both of us walked back to class and look up only to see Bangtan infront of us. They are heading to some kind of competition. Yoongi look at them as he tried to avoid their gaze. Bangtan was shocked to see him too but they had to keep it cool. I hold onto Yoongi's hand tightly as if telling him to stay strong.

"How was the experience just now?" Jungkook asked as he walked to me. His eyes eyeing our hands. He laughed but i can tell that he was mad.

"Does he know about it? Always kept doing the same mistake."

"Ya Jeon Jungkook i thought it was meant to be a secret?!"

"Nope, my friends and i, we don't have any secrets. Ya Min Yoongi, i am married to this girl so if you would please keep your hands away from her?" Jungkook tried to remove Yoongi's hand away from mine but fail.

"I have no intention of letting her go. How can i be sure that you're married to her? Clearly the scene just now doesn't seem pleasant." Yoongi replied smoothly.

"I don't care if you're a bad guy in this school and wants to ruin everyone but please don't get me involve or her."

"What do you mean? You're the one who started it." Yoongi fight back and he got closer to Jungkook.

"Me? You're the one from high school that tried to make me the bad guy." Jungkook said as he push Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi glared at him and smirked.

"Because being a good guy isn't the real you." Yoongi smirked as he whispered that to Jungkook's ears. Jungkook was about to punch Yoongi when i manage to push Yoongi away taking the hit for him. My nose started bleeding as i tried to look up to stop it from bleeding.

"Haeun ah!"

"Just stop hurting Yoongi. I don't know why you hate him but the past is the past unless you still love the girl." I said while walking pass him, shoving his shoulder.

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