24 - Because we're finally graduating

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Haeun Pov

2 years have passed but all of us are still friends. Jungkook and i? We're still secretly married. Here i am seated in the auditorium for our graduation. Its been rough but fun times. All of us went through everything together and i am blessed to have them with me. Also, because of them my relationship with Jungkook improved.

"Now we will invite Jeon Jungkook to come up on stage and speak to us about his experience." The principal called him out and Jungkook walked up the stage looking all neat and tidy.

I fell in love with him all over again.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Jeon Jungkook from business administration." He start off his speech. I can't help but stare at him.

Smart, good-looking, athletic. He is just perfect, like someone from a movie or drama.

I can't believe i am married to the man standing there. Jungkook ended off his speech and bowed to the crowds. He walked down the stage as he look to the side, stealing glances at me.

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. Biting my lips, trying to hold in my smile.

"Stupid Jungkook...."

The principal continue his speech and our graduation video was on the screen. I realise that every photo that Jungkook is in, i'm always in it too. I guess i'm always there with him but i'm the one who didn't realise it.

"Happy graduation to everyone who is graduating today! I wish you the best for your future!" The principal said excitedly and everyone gave him a round of applause.

I stood up and look around to find for my parents. Jungkook was already with them, along with his parents. I rushed to them and gave them a big hug.

"Next stop, Jeon and Lee corporation." My dad said and Mr Jeon nod his head.

"Jeon and Lee?" I asked, confused by what they meant by that.

"Its our company now dear." My dad said and my face brightens up after understanding what he meant by that.

"Really?! So i can take over it?"

"Well, we plan that Jungkook will be the one taking over it."

"If there is two chairmans why can't there be two ceo?" I asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"You can just be my secretary." He winked. I rolled my eyes as i push his face away.

"Its a totally different level." I argued.

"We are still discussing on that matter dear. Come on let's go and take a photo to commemorate this big day." Mr Jeon said and i nod my head agreeing to him. I was still not over with our company's case. Why can't i be the ceo too? Just like Jungkook.

All of us stood together. Hana was beside at my right and Yuna was on my left. Bangtan was standing behind us because they are taller than us.

"Okay, i'm taking the photo now." I felt Taehyung squeezing infront to hug Hana while Suga was already beside Yuna.

"3,2,1 say happy graduation!" Jungkook move closer to my side and i look at the side as our eyes met. Jungkook got closer to me and our faces was only inches away.

"I guess i'll let you win this time." He kissed my lips and i heard the camera click.

"That was a nice photo but I think we captured something rare here." I blushed as i heard my mum giggling behind me. I dash to her and snatched the camera from her.

"Woah this is a photo to commemorate your graduation Haeun." Yuna teased.

"Yeah how about a photo to commemorate the day Haeun became an adult hahaha." Hana laughed. I balled my fist as i punched her arm.

"I'm going to kill you Jungkook." I threatened.

"After that photo? You sure?"

"Shut up Jeon Jungkook!"

It was a photo where everyone was looking at the camera. Taehyung with his arms wrapped around Hana. Yoongi leaning his face with Yuna but Jungkook, kissing my lips. How can that represent our graduation photo?

(A few weeks later)

It feels as if we just graduated yesterday. I can't help but feel sad that our university life is coming to an end. Staring at our graduation photo, i smile to myself remembering that day.

"Ya! Isn't it abit too much to keep this photo in your office?" I asked and Jungkook stop typing as he look up at me.

"But its a nice photo, don't you think?"

"Is it nice torturing your dear wife like this?"

"Aww torturing? No, its more like i'm telling everyone that you're mine." I palm my forehead at his remarks.

"Are you still busy Jungkook? Not going for lunch?" I asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"I still have things that i must do. You should go on ahead." I heave out a sigh as i sat down beside him.

"Let's eat." Jungkook turns to me and shook his head.

"Come on.." I drag him to the sofa as i out down the lunch boxes that i have prepared. I knew Jungkook will not have time to eat.

"Eat." I command him as he took the lunch box obediently. He ate the rich and sausage as his face looks much better.

"Just how many days are planning to skip your meals my love?"

"So you noticed?" He asked and i smack the back of his head.

"I am your wife you dumbass, of course i noticed."

"Well i'm glad that you're my wife."

We ate our food quietly and Jungkook went back straight to work. I pack the lunch boxes as i walk back to my office. Jungkook is the CEO of this company and i am the director. He wanted to let me have the CEO title but i guess i wasn't ready for it.

"Have you had lunch Miss Lee?" Someone from the office asked as we were preparing coffee in the pantry.

"Oh yes, i had lunch with-" Oh right, nobody knows that Jungkook is my husband.

"I had lunch just now." I answered as i bid goodbye before walking back to my office.

I sat back down and my eyes was on Jungkook's office which is opposite of mine. Jungkook was with someone from the marketing department. I balled my fist as i could feel the anger inside me rising.

I stood up as i open the drawer and took out our marriage ring that i have never use it before. Sliding it on my ring finger, i walked to his office.


"Come in." Jungkook's voice sounded stern which is strange. He is usually the relax type of CEO but he sounded angry. I push the door open and i saw that woman on top of him on the sofa. Such unpleasant sight for a wife. I close my eyes as i took a deep breath.

"Oh i'm sorry. I can't believe you just saw that. We will continue later." She said as i turn my attention back to Jungkook. He was panicking and his mouth was moving but no words came out.

"Wait a second miss." I lock the door behind me as i walked closer to her.

"Just what were you doing to my husband?"

"Husband? Hahah stop joking around Miss Lee, although you are the director-"

I showed my ring as i pull out my phone to show my lockscreen. It was a photo of me and Jungkook on bed.

"We've been married for 4 years now."

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