09 - Because i am his wife

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Jungkook is 24/7 with Yeeun except when he was home. Its been a week and Yeeun was always clinging onto Jungkook. Don't misunderstand its not that i'm jealous but i just find it annoying.

"Are you not jealous?" Yoongi whispered in my ear as i turn to face him and our faces was only inches away. I could almost feel his breath. I blinked my eyes as i could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Ya!" I push Yoongi off the bench as he fall backwards.

"Oh what is this i'm sensing?" Jin said as he look at the both of us weirdly.

"Just ignore them. They are always like this." Hana said as Taehyung stared at her chewing the fruits.

"Ya you both are getting weirder each day." I pointed at them and Hana push Taehyung away as he too fall off the bench.

"Just what do you mean by that?"

"Why did you push him? And you're blushing."

"No i'm not.." Taehyung stood up as he pat Hana's head. Hana turn her head to look at Taehyung and i can almost see the flowers and hearts around them. Yeah, they definitely like each other.

"Ya just date already!" Everyone threw their tissue at the both of them as Taehyung catch all of it.

"Thanks for all these tissues. Honey you can wipe your face with this." Taehyung said sweetly and Hana was blushing harder.

"I envy you both." I blurted out without thinking but of course i regret it afterwards.

"Don't be. I'm here for you." Yoongi scooted closer and i rolled my eyes.

"I would rather stay single than date you."

"Why?" Yoongi got closer as he brought his face closer to mine. His hand was holding onto mine and i swear at that moment, as if my heart was pumping out of my ribcage.

"Ya.. get your face away from me." I said trying my best not to stutter.

Yoongi got closer and closer but a file suddenly came in between us.

"Here is your file." I look at the side and saw Jungkook with Yeeun who is clinging onto him.

"Oh thank you." I thanked him as i took the file.

Jungkook walked off and Jin scoot closer to me.

"He definitely is jealous."

"Don't be ridiculous please." Jin pat my shoulder as he nod his head.

"If he doesn't care, why would he stop Yoongi from kissing you." I look at Jungkook's figure as his hands was in his pocket.

"Who knows that maybe he feels like he has to stop his wife from getting kissed by a someone else."

"No no, Jungkook is not someone who care about someone else's business."

I look at Jin as i was clearly confused at where he is getting.

"Let's just say Jungkook has his own pride okay?"



"I ate too much during lunch." I complained as i showed Yoongi my stomach.

"Hahaha ya your stomach is still flat." He pat my stomach as i push his hand away.

"Where are you touching pervert."

"Your stomach and you let me to."

"Since when, do you want me to kick you?" The both of us were busy joking around until we heard someone cleared his throat. We turned our attention behind us as we saw Jungkook sitting right behind us.

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