04 - Because i was sorry

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Author Pov

"Its not because i still love her. Its because i just wanted him to be honest with me. He only told me after she likes him." Jungkook spoke as he punches the noticeboard. Jungkook turned around as he clenched his fist.

"Shouldn't you tell him that you want to apologise and you want Bangtan to be back together?" Hoseok said and Jungkook shook his head.

"Do you think at this point he would want to listen?" Jungkook sat down as he ruffled his hair in annoyance.

"You guys can go to the club room first. I have somewhere i have to go." Jungkook ran to the nurse office to check on Haeun. As much as he hates her, he was the reason of her getting hurt. Jungkook stood outside the nurse office and he saw Haeun laying down on the bed. She was alone at that point. He looked around making sure Yoongi isn't around.

With heavy steps, he walked to Haeun and he stood at the edge of the bed. Haeun opened her eyes and was startled by Jungkook.

"Aish, you shocked me." She rubbed her chest as Jungkook sat down at the edge of the bed.

"You okay?" He asked, still trying to sound like he doesn't care and Haeun rolled her eyes.

"Suddenly acting like a nice guy? After what you did? My top was wet from the milk and its sticky now but i don't have any spare top." Haeun folded her arms as she lay back on the bed.

"Well i was just annoyed since you embarrassed me like that."

"You're that childish? Ya grow up."

"Fine, sorry.."

"The one you should apologise to isn't me."

"But still... You got hurt because of me."

"And?" Haeun asked. Jungkook look down at his shoes.

"The milk.. sorry.."

"Good then that you're sorry. Why are you here?" Haeun asked and Jungkook took off his hoodie. He racked his bag and took out his sweatpants.

"I'm suppose to use this for training later but you can have it. Your clothes are still wet. I don't know how you can endure staying in that wet and sticky top and bottom."

"Do i look like i have a choice? This is yours why are you giving it to me? You said you needed to wear it." Haeun pass back the pants and hoodie to him. Jungkook throw it on the bed as he points to the clothes.

"I'm only like this because i am sorry for hurting you. If i'm about to punch Yoongi just don't interfere."

"Who gives you the right to hurt him? I interfered because i'm not allowing it." Jungkook got closer to Haeun as their faces are only inches away.

"Then how am i suppose to feel when you get hurt? Just change into this geez i can smell banana milk from you. Why would they waste banana milk." Haeun snatched the clothes and she rolled her eyes.

"Go and ask your crazy fangirls. Why waste your favourite banana milk."

"Now that we're equal i don't owe you anything."

"Just go away already." She got behind the cover to change her clothing. She wash the old ones at the sink drying it on the fan.

"Now where is Yoongi.. Why is he taking so long to go back to class."


"Are you feeling better?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Haeun's nose.

"Its still red.. Aish just how hard did that jerk punched you." Yoongi clenched his fist as it got him mad just thinking about it.

"Its very painful.. I think he has a strength like thor." Haeun said and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"No way. If he is thor then i'm captain america." Yoongi joke and Haeun smack his arm lightly.

"You're an idiot." She said and Yoongi push her nose as she winced in pain.

"Owww! That hurts you idiot." She kicked his knee and he groaned in pain.

"Now that hurts."

Haeun lay down on the bed and it was quiet. Yoongi turned his attention to her only to see her fast asleep. The thoughts from just now came back in his mind.

"So you're married to Jungkook and none of your friends know it." Yoongi reached out his hand and he was about to touch her face but stop.

"Its not a surprise that you're not that scared to mess with him."

Yoongi heave out a sigh as he lay his head back. He saw the whole scene. He saw how Jungkook rushed to the nurse office.


Yoongi looked down at his bag, smiling to himself. He just realise that he had brought an extra pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt since he was scared that he might sweat a-lot while playing basketball.

Yoongi looked up and saw Jungkook running. His face has an unpredictable expression. Yoongi run straight as he look to his left and saw Jungkook running towards the nurse office.

Yoongi followed him as he quietly tries to observe the scene. He walked in and hide behind the nurse's desk which is just a few steps away from Haeun's bed.

He saw how Jungkook gave his hoodie and sweatpants to Haeun. That sight annoyed Yoongi but at the same time it makes him wonder.


Jungkook is not that kind of person to share his clothes. You can share anything with him but his clothes is only his. Jungkook hates it when someone else wear his clothes.

Yoongi saw how Jungkook was trying to be nice which is different because usually he is faking it but now.. He was sincerely trying to be nice to her.

Yoongi grip the pole tightly as he can feel himself getting angry. He was about to stand up when Jungkook left the place and Haeun went to the back to change. Yoongi took this chance to go out and pretend as if he just came in.


"You should go back to the lecture hall since today's lessons are important to you. You're always skipping lectures." Haeun nagged and Yoongi folded his arms.

"You seem fine to me now that you're nagging."

"I am okay only my nose got punched. I can still talk alright."

"Hahaha even when you're sick you're always worried about me. Don't worry i'm not a gangster." Yoongi said and Haeun rolled her eyes.

"Not yet."

"Ya!!" Yoongi ruffled Haeun's hair as they laughed together at the nurse's office. Yoongi hold onto his chest as he could feel his heart beating rapidly just for this girl infront of him.

"Here we go again Jungkook.." He looked at Haeun who is looking out at the window and smiling like a little girl.

"Back to where we started.."

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