18 - Because of me

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The both of us freeze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Bangtan knew about us so they were not that shocked. Both my friends were really surprised by what they have seen. They weren't happy.

They were really furious at me.

I took a deep breath as i walked to them but they took a step back. I took one step forward and they took a step back.

"Don't come near us." They said and my heart sank when they said that. I should've have known that i should never lie to them.

"Guys i-"

"Who are we to you? You should've told us the moment you guys were dating? The fact that they are not surprised, angered me more." Hana said and i couldn't say anything to defend myself. I was wrong. Each and every day i wanted to tell them but i just couldn't find the time to.

Or the courage to.

"Don't talk to us. You're the last person we want to hear from." They walked away as Bangtan chased after them. I know they are mad and they never meant what they say. Its because they are mad that they blurted out those words. I heave out a sigh as Jungkook rushed to my side as he hugged me tightly.

"Talk to them when they are calm enough to listen okay?" He said as he rub my back.

"I feel so bad for lying but it is truly my fault."

"It was mine too. I never allowed you to tell anyone but i told my friends." Jungkook said but i just shook my head.

"No it was mine. Now they won't even talk to me."

"They will. Trust me they will." I was a sobbing mess and everyone at the mall was staring but i couldn't care less. That day, both of my bestfriend hated me for lying to them.

But i don't blame them for it.


The both of us arrived home as i plopped down on the sofa.

"Are you feeling alright? Still thinking about it?" Jungkook asked as he sat beside me. He put my head on his shoulder as he rub my right arm.

"It will be fine Haeun.." He said and i nod my head.

"I know, i was just thinking of ways to make up to them for what i have done."

"I don't think they are that mad at you. Well you do know their boyfriend can't keep quiet about us. From the start even before we start dating, they already know about us secretly married to each other." I turn to him as i furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?"

"They got to know it from their boyfriend's mouth and not yours. Thats what making them mad. The fact that they are the last one to know."

"I know Jungkook, but what should i do?" I asked and Jungkook hold onto my hand.

"Treat them to their favourite place." I rolled my eyes at his response.

"I will go broke if i were to bring them to buffet." Jungkook laugh as he pat my head.

"It will be my treat. Just ask them out." I nod my head and Jungkook kissed my cheeks as he stood up walking to the bathroom.

I took out my phone as i dialled Yuna's number. Yuna is probably with Hana now.

"The number you have dialled is currently unavailable." I scroll down and press Hana's number.

"The number you have called is engaged at the moment." I hang up the call as i heave out a sigh. I took Jungkook's phone that he had left on the sofa. I dialled their number hoping that they would pick up.

"Yes hello?" Hana spoke and a smile was seen on my face.

"Hana ya." She went quiet.

"Hana ya don't hang up. If you're with Yuna please switch it to speaker mode so she can hear." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I know the both of you are mad at me. I know i was at fault i know. I didn't expect to actually fall for him. In all honesty, i thought we will get divorce soon but it turns out, he doesn't want to get a divorce and i don't want it to, now. The thing is, this thing happened so sudden but i am happy. I wanted to tell the both of you but i don't know how or when or if i have the courage to." I wipe my tears as i bit my lips trying my best not to cry.

"Yes i am a coward, for not being able to tell both my bestfriends what i was facing. Everyday i think of how i would tell the both of you. I was scared the both you will hate me. In the end, it turns out the way it was suppose to be." The other line was still quiet.

"I'm sorry and to make up for it how about a buffet?" I asked but it was still quiet.

"Its okay. The both of you just take your time." I hang up the call as i threw the phone to the side. Bringing my knee closer to my chest, i put my head in between my knee and chest. I was crying a river but, i was too sad and it was all my fault. Jungkook got out from the bathroom as he was drying his hair with the towel. His smile dropped as he saw me cry.

Author Pov

Jungkook took his phone as he dialled Hana's number again.

"Hey Hana, this is Jungkook."

"Oh hi Jungkook."

"I was thinking how about a buffet tomorrow? With Haeun" The other line went quiet.

"I know the both of you are angry. I am at fault too. I told her not to tell anyone about our marriage and of course she had no choice but to listen. As you know my warnings are always so serious that i will end up making her regret it if she told anyone. Haeun is always worried, she always wants to tell the both of you but she was too scared that it was too late."

"How about we meet for a buffet? The three of you can talk."

"Alright Jungkook. Tomorrow then. See you." Hana hang up the call and Jungkook heave out a relieve sigh. He looks inside and saw Haeun sobbing.

"I am so sorry that you're always crying because of me."

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