15- Because i love you

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It was finally the day of the competition and Jungkook didn't come home. He already called me to say that he will be staying with them to practice. God knows why that kid really wants to win. I packed my bag as i make sure i brought everything. I walked over to the fridge as i grab a banana milk. I called the grab driver as i wait for him to pick me up.

On my way there, i was nervous. Of course being the one who help with the event, i got a free ticket to watch. Yesterday was the preliminary rounds where they need to do a test to determine who will go to the stage for the competition. There were 30 people who applied for this and only 20 made it. Bangtan was one of them. I was proud of them of course since i know they did their best.

"Thank you, here keep the change." I said and the uncle thanked me. I enter the auditorium and saw my friends already sitting down. I rushed to them as i sat down beside them.

"Hello guys, is Bangtan here already?" I asked and they nod their head.

"Wait since when do you care about them?" I racked my brain for answers.

"They are your boyfriend's friends afterall and they came to support us so why not." I heave out a relieve sigh as my answers were not that stupid.

"We already saw them just now and now they are getting ready." Yuna said and i nod my head. I took out my phone as i texted Jungkook.

Haeunnie : I'm here

Kookie : Come backstage!

"I'm going to the toilet first. I hold my pee from just now so now i really need to go." I rushed out as i walked to the backstage without them noticing of course. There i saw Jungkook standing there as he was fidgeting around.

 There i saw Jungkook standing there as he was fidgeting around

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"Jungkook!" I called him as he look up, smiling. He rushed to me as he was smiling oh so widely.

"Are you that happy to see me?" I asked and he nod his head like a little boy.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as he hold my hand. His hands was cold and sweaty.

"Oh no." I said as i took out his banana milk.

"Here you go. How many rounds will there be?" I asked and Jungkook while drinking his banana milk, count using his fingers.

"About 5 rounds."

I was about to say something when the staff behind calls them to gather.

"I got to go, see you later. Wish me luck." He said as he wave at me. Before he walk off, i pull his blazer as i stop him from walking. Jungkook turned around as he look at me worriedly.

"Whats wrong?" He asked and i don't know whats gotten into me but i just feel like doing it. I hug him and i could feel my heart beating rapidly.

"Good luck." I said and Jungkook grinned widely.

"You never fail to surprise me. Oh and one more." I blink at him wondering what was another one that i missed. His face got closer to me as he peck my lips.

"Now i will definitely win this." Without me realising, i was smiling like a crazy person. I walk out of the backstage and saw my friends. As fast as a lightning, i move behind the pillar and hide. I peek at the small hole and when they were gone, i walked out.

I sat down at our seat as i saw the emcee getting ready. Soon, both my friends walked back to their seats. Of course i had to pretend that i didn't know where they were from.

"Where did the both of you go?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Oh backstage. We wish the boys goodluck. Did you do that?" I eyed them weirdly and shook my head.

"Why would i. They are smartass kids." Yuna push my head to the side as she shook her head in disbelief.

The lights were off and the competition was starting.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to our math competition 2019. This is where everyone from different departments can come together to show their talent in math. The contestants are backstage preparing themselves. Let's welcome then here!" All of them walked to the stage and upon seeing Jungkook, i realise i was smiling like a high school girl in love. I look to the side and saw my friends smiling the same way i did.

"I guess, this is what they call love." I chuckled as i couldn't believe what i just said. Everyone clapped for the contestants, even Bangtan's crazy fangirls from school is here to support.

"Their seats are ready and there will 5 rounds for them to completed within the time given. If fail to do so, they will have to leave and they fail to win any prizes. Should we start the competition now?" The emcee said as he put his hand beside his ear to hear the audience reply.

"YES!!!" Everyone yelled excitedly.

"Let the competition begin!" Everyone walk to their assign seats. The seats will have their name written on the table. My eyes never left Bangtan. All of them wait for the emcee to give the first question. He will read out the question but for the audience they will flash out the question so that we can also solve it.

"Oh man, i failed math quite badly i have no idea what this question is asking for." Yuna said and Hana was trying to solve it.

"Hana don't bother. Between the three of us, you're the worst in math." I said and Yuna nod her head agreeing.

"Haeun why don't you try." Yuna suggested and i shook my head.

"I would prefer to sit back and watch rather than burden myself with headaches. No thankyou." I answer and the both of them shook their head.

"No wonder all of us are still dumb." Hana mumbled, loud enough for us to hear.

"Alright times up!" The emcee said as everyone stop writing.

"Now flash out your answer to the judges." Everyone flash out their answer. The judges sitting infront of them look around as they just nod their head.

"Now how they hell did they get 54 for x? X equals 54 how the hell? I got freaking -200." Hana said as she look through her working.

"Don't ask us, we're too lazy to calculate." Both Yuna and i said. The emcee showed the working and almost 5 contestants was eliminated.

"Oh wow, from the start i was already wrong. I saw y equals to 500 when its 50."

"Please Hana, just don't." I said as i palm my forehead.

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