22 - Because its a misunderstanding (2)

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"Come on Haeun. You can't stay mad at your husband for too long." Mrs Lee adviced. Haeun pout her lips and heave out a sigh.

"But mum-"

"No buts young lady. Go home now to dress up for dinner later on." She added. Haeun sigh again and nod her head.


"I'll walk you home." He said and Haeun nod her head.

The both of them left the house and Haeun stomped her feet like a kid.

"I don't want to go home." She said.

"Why? What did Jungkook do?"

Haeun explained everything to her stepbrother and he was shocked.

"So he took the girl's side and not yours?" Haeun nod her head.

"But Haeun ah, its wrong to call someone a dog." He said.

"But she looks like a dog and behaves like one. So i called her a dog."

"But still Haeun.." He continue.

"Okay sorry i should've called her a puppy then."

"Hahahaha that is still wrong!" He laughed. The both of them continue walking until a car was parked infront of them.

"Haeun." Jungkook said as he closes the car door.


"Come home." He hold out his hand and Haeun rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you later then." She said to the guy with a rather sweet voice. Jungkook didn't like it one bit. He tapped his foot hoping that she won't take her own sweet time to get in the car.

"Bye bye." She gets in the car and Jungkook immediately closes the door.

"I'll see you later then, Jungkookie." He teased and Jungkook balled his fist.

"It disgusts me when a guy calls me that." Jungkook said sternly.

"Then it doesn't when another girl calls you that?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows not understanding what the guy meant.

"If you love her, tell her and if you're just playing with her.." The guy's face change into a serious one.

"I'll beat you up until you regret it." Jungkook was taken aback by what he said. He took a step back and adjust himself.

"Who are you?" He asked. The guy simply put his hand inside his pocket.

"You will know later." He replied before walking off.

Jungkook got into the car and Haeun had her airpods on. Jungkook took off one side earning a glare from Haeun.

"Okay why are you angry? And who is that guy?" Jungkook raised his voice.

Haeun fold her arms and she turns to the other side not wanting to look at Jungkook.

"I'm not angry and he is .. you will know later."

"What he is your new fiance?! What your new husband? Come on Haeun spill it out."

"What? I'm the only one who has to be honest? What about you? If you enjoy Yeeun company then go tell her that!" She too raised her voice. Both of them didn't want to back down. Neither wants to talk things out politely.

"Did you hear from my own mouth that i want to be with her?" He continues and Haeun rolled her eyes.

"Just drive already. I'm sick and tired of staying here with you." Jungkook rolled his eyes as he drove off from there.

The journey home was quiet. Haeun wanted to talk to him but he doesn't look like he wants to talk to her. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Jungkook knew that he was wrong. It was his fault and he shouldn't accuse Haeun. He park their car infront of the house. He turns to his side and saw Haeun sleeping soundly. He brings her hair back and stare at her face.

"I'm sorry." It was coward of him to apologise when she was sleeping. He will apologise to her again when she is calm enough to talk.

Haeun woke up from her sleep. She looked around and realises that she was in their room. Looking at the clock, she quickly rushes to shower. Her parents and Jungkook's parents will be here any moment.

Haeun grab the toner and moisturiser as she dap it on her face. Putting on the foundation along with a little bit of lipstick. She wanted it to look natural afterall. She put some mascara on her lashes. Looking at herself in the mirror, Haeun turns around to make sure her dress was perfect.

She left the room and Jungkook was sitting on the sofa watching television. He was already properly dressed from awhile ago.

"Done getting ready?" He asked and Haeun just nod her head. She sat down beside him and their eyes were both of the television but their mind wasn't there.

Jungkook was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Haeun stood up and walk to the door. She open the front door and saw their families.

"Hello my dear! You're pretty as always!" Mrs Jeon said excitedly while hugging her daughter in law.

"Jungkook, how are you? Doing great son?" Mr Lee asked and Jungkook bowed at him.

"Yes i am doing great. We are doing great." He corrects himself.

All of them sat down at the dining table and a few minutes later, the doorbell rang again.

"I'll go get the door." Jungkook said as he saw Haeun struggles to get up.

Jungkook opens the front door and saw him. The urge to close the door infront of the man's face was real.

"Hello Jungkookie." He greets and Jungkook rolled his eyes not wanting to reply.

They both sat down at the dining table and it irritates Jungkook at how the guy tries to flirt with Haeun.

"I know its rather stupid of me to ask this but, are you guys not bothered by this guy?" Jungkook asked while pointing to the guy sitting beside Haeun.

"Oh dear, stop making a scene here." Mrs Jeon said, trying to stop her son.

"No no, its our fault. Ya you stop teasing him already. Why are flirting with your sister." Mr Lee scolded his son.

"Sister?" Jungkook said and the guy infront nod his head.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Lee Hajin, Haeun's big brother." Jungkook didn't know what to do. He just wants to bury himself alive at that moment.

"So, you still want to beat me up for flirting with my sister? Or do you want to ask for forgiveness for being rude?"

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