06 - Because i was lucky

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We went to school as per normal. Of course, everything is back to normal. As if the incident a week ago didn't happened. Eventually the stalker got caught. He confessed that he did enter our house and he admitted to stalking me. He stalked a few other girls and all the victims reported one after another. After that incident, our parents increase the number of guards and the security system around the house. Now a week later, we're pretending as if none of that happen.

"Ya, don't day dream on us Haeun." Hana said. I turned to her and smile innocently.

"I was listening." I lied and she shook her head.

"Then repeat what i just said."

"Yuna, what did Hana just say?" Yuna turned to the both of us as she blinked her eyes.

"I have no idea what she is storytelling to us about."

"Ya! You both are so mean."

"I'm sorry Hana, a lot of things is in my mind now so.."

"Its alright Haeun." Hana being the mature and understanding one decides to let it off. She pat my shoulder and i smile at her words of comfort.

"Ya ya ya!" Yuna killed the mood as she starts to smack my arm really hard.

I turned to her and i was ready to smack her back on her arm but she pulled the both of us to the noticeboard to look at something she is really interested in.


I eyed the poster weirdly and shook my head. I was already not having interest in it.

"It will be fun.." Yuna tried to persuade me to join. Hana too shook her head and Yuna pout her lips.

"Please for me.." She imitate a baby's voice but the both of us still didn't want to go. I mean why should we?

"Okay i'll treat the both of you to buffet." The both of us immediately agreed.

"YES LET'S GO!" The both of us said and Yuna frown.

"You both seriously."

"When it comes to food, of course everyone would agree." I added.

"But Yuna, it's masquerade theme. We need to wear a freaking mask." I said still not liking the idea.

"Thats the fun of it. Imagine kissing your crush oh my!" Yuna started imagining stupid things.

"Ya you really love all this huh." Hana push Yuna jokingly and Yuna smile evilly.

"Of course, you know who i will attack first right?"

"Poor guy.." Both Hana and i said together.

The three of us head to the cafeteria while we're listening to Yuna blabbering about what she is going to wear.

Yoongi is not in school because.. Well he called me saying he was sick but, i think he is just lazy.

"What are you guys going to wear?" Hana asked and i shrugged both my shoulders.

"No idea.."

"I will need to buy a new dress." Yuna answered and the both of us palm our forehead. This is why we don't encourage her to go to parties.


"I'm home." I said as i put my shoe on the shoe rack. I switched on the lights and saw Jungkook sleeping on the sofa with his phone still on. I walked over to him as i shook his body.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." I said as i tried to shake his body harder.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" I yelled as i shake his body so hard thats the sofa is moving.

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