17 - Because we're caught dating

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I walked home alone as it was already 7pm. I unlocked my phone to see if there is any text from Jungkook but none. He must be celebrating with them. I chose to head home first because, i know the old me wouldn't care about if Jungkook had won. I have no choice but to pretend i was still the old me. I put my phone back inside my pocket as i enter the convenience store. I took 2 cans of beer as i paid for it.

"Thank you." I said as i push the glass door open. Walking back home alone while gulping down my can beer was a nice thing to do. Atleast i get to have this time by myself. Taking baby steps, i open another can as i drank all of it in one go.

"I should've bought 4 cans." I threw the empty cans away as i fasten my pace. As soon as i arrived home, i push the door open to an empty and dark house. I heave out a sigh as i put my shoes on the shoe rack. Closing the door behind me, i switch on the lights. I put my bag on the sofa as i head to the kitchen to grab a drink.

The front door opened and i spit out my drink as i saw Jungkook coming in. I wipe my mouth as i put the mug on the table.

"Why are you back so early? I thought you would be having dinner with the boys?" I asked as Jungkook took off his shoes, putting it on the shoe rack. He look up at me, smiling.

"I did, i had burger king with them. After that i told them that i had to go home."

"Well what was your excuse?" I asked as Jungkook sat down on the sofa and i took a seat beside him.

"I just said that i'm tired and i wanted to go home."

"They believed you?"

"Why won't they? We've been practicing for the math competition and of course i too need some rest you know." Jungkook said as i laugh at his facial expression. He was so serious when he said that.

"Okay okay i'm sorry."

"But of course i was back not because i was tired." I blinked my eyes, confused.

"But you said you're tired and now you said you're not?" I replied and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Haeun, please don't be so clueless. I can't possibly leave you alone at home feeling all lonely. I came back because i missed you and i want to spend time with you." Jungkook pulled me closer to him as we lay down the sofa, cuddling with each other.

"Jungkook atleast go and shower. I don't like cuddling with you while we're sticky and sweaty." I complained and Jungkook sat up as he nod his head.

"I agree. Let's cuddle and watch a movie?"

"Well why not?" I agreed. I stood up as i walk back to our room to shower.


"What movie are we watching?" I asked and Jungkook showed me the cd.

"Ooooooh Avengers."

We cuddled as our eyes was on the television. A few minutes after that, i look to my side and saw Jungkook sleeping soundly. I took the remote as i took out the cd and put it back inside. Switching off the tv quietly as i make my way back at the sofa. I hugged him as i kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight Jungkook."

(The next morning)

It is a Friday but we are given a day off because of the math competition. They felt like the students need a time off. Further more, our mid term exams just ended. We had a lot of assignments to do but luckily all of it was done. I stretched my arms as i felt my side was empty. I sat up straight on the sofa as i rubbed my eyes. I was still feeling sleepy but Jungkook was nowhere to be found.

"Morning sleepyhead. Go and sleep some more, i'll cook breakfast for us." I blinked my eyes as i stared at him weirdly. He was in the kitchen cooking.

"Uhm since when do you cook?" I stood up as i walked to the kitchen to see what he was doing. The next thing i know is our kitchen on fire.

"I know how to cook but never got the chance to."

"Well okay from now on you can cook." I walked back to the sofa as i took the remote and switch on the tv. I was channel hopping when i smell the delicious kimchi stew that was cook by Jungkook. I glanced behind as i saw Jungkook carrying the pot to the dining table.

"Is it done?'" I asked excitedly as Jungkook nod his head.

I switched off the tv as i rushed to sit down at the dining table.

"Thank you for the meal!" We both said as i took a bite of the omelet. Well it was delicious. I took a sip of the kimchi stew and i was shocked. I turned to Jungkook as i shook my head.

"You're never cooking again. Not under my watch."


After breakfast, we both decided to go on a date. Our first date. We decided to walk around the shopping mall since i wanted to go shopping. Jungkook look at all the gaming stores as he kept looking at the CDs.

"Just buy if you want it." I said and his eyes lighten in excitement. He rushes into the store as i waited for him outside. It only took him 5 minutes as i saw him walking out with a bag of CDs.

"Wow that was fast."

"Yeah i already know what i wanted."

"Good for you."

We continue walking as i enter H&M to look for new clothes for myself. I kept looking and trying but none of it was what i wanted. We both left the store as Jungkook held my hand.

"Its okay we will find one that you like soon." He tries to comfort me and i kissed his cheek.

"Thank you."

"Uhm what the hell?" I turn to the familiar voice and all my life energy was drained away as i saw my friends with Bangtan. They were at the side, only a few steps away from us. I look at them in horror as i turn back to Jungkook. We quickly let go of our hands.

"Oh my god!" They both screamed at us and at that moment i knew i screw up.

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