07 - Because i'm falling for you

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Everyone cheered as Jungkook got the correct answer.

"Wow Jeon Jungkook you got it right. You win the first place prize. Here you go two tickets to the lotte amusement park and movie ticket. Jungkook grab the tickets as he pass it to me.


"Did you see my dress in my room." I whispered as we walk down the stairs. Jungkook scratch his head as he nod a reply.

"I hate you." I said as i step on his foot. I walked ahead as i stop and look up only to see Yoongi.

"Why you're like a totally different person."

"Shut up. You chose the wrong person idiot."

"Well..." Before Yoongi can reply, i walked pass him too as i threw the mask in the bin. How can he choose that girl like we are so different.

Author Pov

Yoongi turned his head as he look at Jungkook.

"Why lie?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook put his hand in his pocket.

"I would just want her to think that i saw her dress. Rather than i say i choose because i know its her. Why did you choose a different girl?" Jungkook asked back and Yoongi just smile.

"I wanted to see if you could see her." He pat Jungkook's shoulder as he walked pass him. Jungkook scoffed as he remove his hand from his pocket.

"Which husband don't know how his wife looks like even when she is wearing a mask?"

Haeun sat at the side as she lean her chin on her palm. Stirring the drink as she drank her coke one shot.

"I hate this. Why must it be him."

"What are you so mad at?" Haeun turned her head as she saw Yoongi. He sat down beside her as he put his drink on the table.

"Why must it be Jungkook like why. And you! Don't you know your own friend." Haeun hit Yoongi's arm and he groaned in pain.

"I'm sorry then. Owww okay okay sorry."

"I hate you."

"Haeun ah. Do you wanna know something?" Haeun tilt her head, confused.

"A secret." Yoongi smirked and Haeun push him off the chair.

"Pervert. Why are you smirking?"

"Come lend me your ears." Yoongi got closer to Haeun as his eyes was on Jungkook who was staring at them. Yoongi purposely touch her hair as he bring himself closer to her ear. He whispered something and Haeun push his chest.

"Pervert! Aish Min Yoongi one more word and i'll kill you right here right now." Jungkook clenched his fist as he walked away from there. Haeun was blabbering to herself and Yoongi stir his drink as he took a sip.

"Jeon Jungkook, are you falling for her already?"


The party ended and everyone was tired. Haeun sat down at the seat as she waited for Jungkook.

"You're going home with him?" Yoongi asked and Haeun nod her head.

"I'm already so tired to move. I'll see you on Monday."

"Alright rest well." Yoongi walked pass Jungkook but before that he managed to whisper something.

"You like her don't you." Jungkook stop as he turned to Yoongi. His face was full of hate and coldness. Before Jungkook could reply, Haeun was already calling for him.

"Ya Jeon Jungkook lets go already." Jungkook turned around as he shook his head in disbelief upon seeing Haeun who was being comfortable.

"Are you that tired? You didn't even move around."

"I did! I move here and there." Haeun complained.

"Aigoo stop eating so much. You won't be this lazy if you don't eat alot." Haeun scrunched her nose as she fold her arms.

"I'm tired."

"Then? What do you want me to do?"

"Jerk." Haeun stood up as she walked to the car. Of course while walking she had to complaint. As soon as she enter the car, she fasten the seatbelt and fell asleep. Jungkook enter the car as he turned to Haeun only to find her fast asleep. Its not even 5 minutes and she is already sleeping soundly.

Jungkook adjust Haeun's sleeping position so that she is comfortable. He heave out a sigh as he stare at Haeun who is sleeping.

"Do i really like this kid here?" He mumbled to himself as he just shake the thought away.

Jungkook drove away from there back to their home. As soon as they arrived home, Jungkook turn to Haeun who was still sleeping soundly not even moving from the previous position.

"Haeun.. Lee Haeun.." Jungkook shake her body slightly but she is still asleep.

"Haeun ah.." He shakes her body harder but she was still sleeping.

"You're such a kid." Jungkook open the door as he walk out. He open the door at Haeun's side as he unbuckle the seatbelt. He piggyback Haeun behind his back. He walked to the door, putting the key in and unlocking the door. He push the door open with his leg and switching on the lights with his left hand.

"Why is she so heavy.. Just how much can she eat with her little body." Jungkook fasten his pace to his room since it was the closest to the stairs. He dropped Haeun down on the bed as he sat down at the edge of the bed feeling drained. Jungkook to drop down on the bed and soon, fell asleep.

(The Next Morning)

Haeun could hear the alarm ringing at the side of her ear. It was loud, too loud. Slowly Haeun open her eyes as she sit up straight on the bed. She rub her sleepy eyes and tying her hair into a messy bun. Haeun opened her eyes finally feeling awake. She scanned the room after realising that it wasn't her room.

"Where am i.." Haeun pat everywhere for her phone as she accidentally touch someone's hair. Haeun look down and saw Jungkook laying down on her thigh. His head was on her thigh and there she thought it was a heavy pillow.

"Ahhhh!!" She screamed as she kick him away. Jungkook sat up, rubbing his shoulder that was kicked.

"What was that for?! Its still early though."

"Why are you here?!"

"This is my room miss."

"I mean why am i in your room?!" Haeun cover herself with the blanket and Jungkook shook his head.

"I didn't do anything to you and you fell asleep yesterday. Your room was too far."

"You sure you didn't do anything?"

"I may be an asshole according to someone but i won't take advantage of you while you're sleeping."

"You don't have to be so polite." Jungkook rolled his eyes at her remarks.

"When i'm polite you said i am being weird when i'm rude you called me an asshole. This is why i don't understand women."

"Thats why you're not dating anyone."

"Haeun ah, i'm not dating anyone but i'm married." Haeun turned to Jungkook and Jungkook winked at her.

"Married to you."

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