19 - Because i love her

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Jungkook and Haeun got ready to meet the rest. Haeun was trying her best to look happy although she isn't. She curled her lashes and put on mascara. Looking at herself in the mirror for the last time, Haeun smile to herself.

"It will be fine.."

"Are you ready Haeun?" Jungkook called out and Haeun turn around to walk out of the room.

"How do i look?" She asked and Jungkook gave her a thumbs up.

"Pretty." He complimented her and she smile at him.

The both of them left the house and walk to the car. Jungkook sat down the driver seat and Haeun took the seat beside him.

"Ready to meet your friends?" He asked and Haeun nod her head.

"Yes i am."

"Let's go." Jungkook said as he drove them to the buffet restaurant. He already book 2 tables for them.

On the way there, Haeun was quiet. She looks out the car window and she was not saying anything. Usually she would say things like "oh that is so pretty." Something like that but now it bothers Jungkook because she was too quiet.

"Haeun?" He called her name and Haeun hummed a reply.

"Don't think about it too much. I'm sure they aren't that mad anymore."

"I know.. I just can't imagine losing my friends." Haeun said and Jungkook hold her hand. His thumb rubbing her hand to comfort her.

"I'm sure they think the same too."

They've arrived at the restaurant and Jungkook park his car at the nearby carpark. The walk to the restaurant was nerve wracking for Haeun. She was nervous to see her friends but she still wants to see them. Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheeks.

"You'll be fine. I know it."

Haeun smile as she mouthed a thank you to him. They walk in the restaurant and walks to the counter.

"We made reservations under the name Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook said and the counter guy checks the booking list.

"Alright please follow me." He walks ahead and lead us to our tables.

"Enjoy." He said and Jungkook thanked him. Jungkook sat infront of me and I fiddled my fingers as i waited for them to come.

"Welcome!" I turned my head and saw my friends and Bangtan.

They walked over to us. Yuna and Hana sat at our table. Jungkook soon join the guys at another table. Hana and Yuna sat infront of me.

"Ya let's eat first." Taehyung said and the guys went to take their food.

"So? Why do you want to meet us?" Yuna asked with a cold face and tone of voice.

"I'm sorry." Haeun apologised.

"Just a sorry? We're the last person to know Haeun. We always told you everything and you're the first person to know everytime." Yuna almost raised her voice at Haeun. Haeun balled her fist, trying her best not to cry.

"I know i.. I know i'm at fault. I think i already explain everything but .. I hope you guys can forgive me." Hana and Yuna heave out a sigh.

"Ya Hana let's eat first i'm starving."

"Okay." They both walked away leaving Haeun behind.

"I deserve it." She said to herself as Haeun pinched her cheeks.

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