27 - Because love makes us happy

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Author Pov

Haeun walks to Jungkook's office as she walk inside. Closing the door behind her, she saw Jungkook talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah, thanks hyung. Okay i will." Jungkook hang up the call and gave Hauen a smile.

"So whats wrong?" She asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"Its nothing, just hyung calling to check how i was doing." He simply replied.

"Yoongi hyung?"

"Nope Jin hyung." Jungkook make an ice coffee for Haeun and she shook her head.

"You drink it. I'm trying to stop drinking coffee while i'm pregnant." Jungkook took out his notebook as he wrote it down.

"Are there benefits for that?"

"Huh? Well i don't know i just don't want to drink coffee." Haeun answered and Jungkook kept his notebook.

"I must know what you like and dislike since you're pregnant." He said and Haeun shook her head, smiling.

"You're really an idiot."

"I'm an idiot for you and this baby. Anyways i need you to be somewhere with our mothers today." Jungkook said as he took a sip of the coffee.

"Where to?"

"They'll pick you up later on or may i say, now." He put his cup down and there comes their mothers barging into the office.

"Hello my sweet daughter in law and my stinky stupid son." Mrs Jeon said. Mrs Lee too walk in the office.

"Mum, that is not how you're suppose to.. Anyways just go already." Jungkook wave his hand to chade them out.

"Will you look at that. My stinky son just don't know how to appreciate his mother. Anyways lets to shopping!" They walked out of the office, closing the door behind them.

"Gosh mothers are so hard to deal with. I just hope Haeun isn't like that in the future. Our son will have it hard just like me."

"Here try this dear." Both mothers kept giving Haeun wedding dresses to try.

"Mum why do i have to try this?" Haeun asked and Mrs Lee shook her head.

"The last time we see you in a wedding dress is when you were still a kid. Those chest of yours aren't that big unlike now." Mrs Lee teased and Haeun cover her breast.

"Mum!" She goes in the trying room and Mrs Lee took a sit beside Mrs Jeon.

"I can agree with you on that part. Is it because she is pregnant that why her breast got bigger?" Mrs Jeon questioned.

"I guess so, i mean we can't tell her the actual reason to why we want her to wear a wedding dress." Mrs Lee added.

"Jungkook will kill us if we do." The curtains was push open and both mothers stop talking.

"So how is it?" Haeun turn around and both mothers shook their head.

"Nope, next!"

Haeun kept trying one after another and none of the wedding dresses fit their taste.

"Too ugly."

"The design is just too plain."

"Definitely no."

"Makes your chest looks small."

"This is just a big no."

Haeun plopped down on the chair as she didn't know what else to do.

"This is the last one. Let's just hope they like this." The saleswoman said as she help Haeun try the last wedding dress. She push open the curtain and their expression brightens up.

"My my Haeun.. You are so gorgeous." Mrs Jeon compliments.

"We will take this!" Mrs Lee said and Haeun was shocked.

"Mum why would you buy a wedding dress? Who is getting married mum?"

"Honey, we have to throw your old wedding dress away. This is just so pretty." Haeun massage the bridge of her nose. She is just so done with her mother and Jungkook's mother.

After shopping for the wedding dress, the both of them treated Haeun for dinner. Of course her appetite is increasing. She will eat everything that she can eat.

"I remember Haeun used to hate cucumber. She only eats it when I forced her to. When she started staying with Jungkook, she will always give her cucumbers to him. Being a good boy, he ate it without complaining." Mrs Lee said. Haeun was too busy eating to even listen to what the two mothers was talking.

"To tell you the truth, Jungkook hated studying. But when he got the news that Haeun was going to go to university, he studied and got a really good grades. He is even first in his cohort. I was pleased with him but then i got to know that it was because of Haeun." Mrs Jeon added. She gave out a smile, talking about her stinky son.

"Jungkook kept saying that he hates Haeun but actually that stinky boy doesn't realise it himself. He really likes her and maybe because she never looks at him, he got mad. I guess he tried to do those things because Haeun never look at him before." She continue as she took a sip of her coffee.

"A part of him did it so that he will grow to hate her but it wasn't that. Before he knew it, he cares for her more than anyone else. That stinky boy of mine has never been honest about his feelings just like his father. He just doesn't know how to show his love."

"You're the same too. You and your husband liked each other but nobody wanted to admit. I remember you saying that if someone admits they are in love it means that they admit defeat or that they have lost." Mrs Lee said, reminiscing about the past.

"Oh stop it, i was stupid at that time. I didn't know falling in love could make me this happy."

"We were all stupid once but after falling in love, we learn."

"Right, Haeun are you done?" Haeun finishes her drink and she took her bag.

"Yes i am done."

"Let's go. I wouldn't want my stinky son to get mad at me for bringing you out until this late."

"Mum! Its already 9pm." Jungkook said and the three of them laugh.

"Just like i said. You're just like your dad. Haeun go get some rest."

"Okay mother. Bye mum!" They both got into their car and left. Jungkook closes the front door and carries Haeun to their room.

"Jungkook hey! I can walk." He puts her down on the bed and stare at her face. Unknowingly, he started blushing.

"I love you Jeon Jungkook." Haeun blurted out and Jungkook blushes again.

"Stop it idiot, are you drunk?"

"I love you Jeon Jungkook." She repeats herself and Jungkook turn to look at her eyes.

"And i love you too Lee Haeun, i've always loved you."

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