25 - Because i have a good news

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Haeun Pov

"You're lying." She said as she was trying to escape.

"She is not. She is my wife." Jungkook said and the woman smirked.

"But you don't have any proof." She said slyly.

"We do." Jungkook answered as he showed his phone to her. It was our marriage photo that we took. It was on that day that i truly hated Jungkook with all my heart. We look so young in the photo.

"You kept that photo? Oh my god look at our faces. We look so dissatisfied with our choices." Staring at the photo, the both of us laughed.

"But i guess, we did the right choice." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, but seriously we look so young."

"Just remember that i have a photo of us Jungkook, it won't be long until i finally have you." The woman said and i rolled my eyes.

"Dream on woman."

She left the office and i kick Jungkook's calf.


"Wait wait i can explain. She just came in and just got on top of me and took a photo-"

"I get it. I know its not your fault." I replied. Jungkook blinked as he put his palm on my forehead.

"Are you having a fever? Why are you so nice?"

"Ya thank me for being nice. If it wasn't for me being sick, i won't have been this relax."

"Sick?" Jungkook asked. Again he place his palm on my forehead.

"But you're not having fever."

"I'm not having fever. Its just my stomach has been feeling strange and i'm having a headache." I sat down and Jungkook hold my hand, caressing it.

"Are you overworking yourself?"

"You're not in the right position to tell me that when you too is overworking yourself." I said and Jungkook pouts.

"I'll just go to the doctor later on."

"Okay you better. I'll let you go off earlier today. Wait Haeun i have something to do." He grabbed my hand as he pull me out of the oftice.

"Jungkook what is up with you." Everyone was staring at us and they were puzzled by what happen really.

"Everyone, there is something i need to tell all of you. Jeon and Lee, belong to both our parents." Jungkook said and everyone was whispering to one another not understanding his motives.

"I am married to Miss Lee here, she is no longer miss lee. Call her Mrs Jeon. She is my wife and we've been married for 4 years. The reason why we hid our marriage from everyone was because we didn't want people to think that its a distraction to have your partner working together with you." He explained. I look at him as he hung his head low.

"We knew you were married to miss lee, i mean Mrs Jeon." A guy from the sales team said. Everyone agree with him and nobody was shooting Jungkook down for keeping it a secret.

"You're always with Mrs Jeon, and we are glad that she encouraged you to have lunch." Another one of them said.

"We are glad that you are telling us this although it was kinda late since we figured it out among ourselves." She continue.

"I'm glad." Jungkook replied. Everyone clapped for us and i am glad that everyone didn't have any complain.

"So today, everyone you can be release earlier." Jungkook said and i look at him with a strange face.

"Ya what are you saying?" I whispered and he put a finger on his lips.

"I need to follow my wife to the doctor." Everyone cover their mouth as they were surprised to see that side of Jungkook.

"You don't have to follow me you know." I said and Jungkook shook his head.

"As a husband, i have to follow you. What if something is wrong with you?" He exaggerates. I palm my forehead and walking ahead of him.

"You have a lot of work to do and i know that. Its just a normal headache nothing more." I tried to convince him but Jungkook being stubborn, insisted on following me.

"Jeon Haeun." The nurse called out. I stood up as i walk to the door. I knock on the door before entering. Jungkook to followed behind.

"Hello Mr Jeon and Mrs Jeon." He greeted us with a smile.

"Yes doctor, hello." I said.

"So what is the problem?" He asked and i told him what i was experiencing.

"Alright can you please lay down on the bed." He instructed me and i did as i was told. Jungkook hold onto my hand as he caresses it to help me stay calm.

"Is my wife really sick?" Jungkook asked, worriedly.

"Your wife is not sick. Let's just hope she is not." The doctor said as he get the ultrasound ready. I was a little confuse to why he needed that. He put a cold gel on my stomach and moving the scanner around my stomach.

"You see that little thing right here."

"Yes doctor. Is that a tumor? So i'm really sick? What stage am i at doctor?" I started panicking and Jungkook too was panicking.

"Wait wait calm down. This is not a tumor. This is your baby." The both of us blinked our eyes.

"You're saying my wife is pregnant?" Jungkook said excitedly and the doctor nod his head.

"She is 2 months pregnant."

"But why she is experiencing headache and stomach pain?" Jungkook asked.

"Thats because she overworked herself. It is not safe for her and the baby. You should refrain from overworking. By now, you should stop working already." The doctor adviced.

"Thank you doctor, lets go."

"From now on, you can quit working there already." Jungkook said and i let go of his hand.

"What no? Why would i quit? Jungkook i'm just 2 months pregnant i can work." I argued.

"I don't want you to get sick. I also don't want our baby to get sick." He heave out a sigh as he hold onto my hand.

"Jungkook you worry too much. I will be okay. I won't overwork myself."

"Okay but the next time you get sick or anything i want you to stop working."

"Okay Jungkook!" The both of us head home to tell everyone the good news.

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