05 - Because i was afraid

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Haeun Pov

The next day, everything was normal. Jungkook didn't come home because he was with Bangtan. They are currently preparing for the upcoming competition.

Lately there has been news regarding guys who stalked girls home. The guy has yet to be found but rumours has it that they are in our college. I don't really know anything but i don't think anyone would be stalking me. I mean, i'm not that pretty.


The bell rang as it was finally the end of class. We packed our things and Hana excitedly jumps up and down.

"I'm going out to eat with my parents." She said excitedly and Yuna nod her head.

"Me too!" As they both high fived each other. I shook my head at them. I carry my haversack back on both shoulders.

"Good for you both.. See you next week." I said and i waved at them. The 4 of us walked out of the lecture hall and we walked separate ways. Yoongi walked with me since he said that he wanted to send me home.

As soon as we arrived at my house, he was shocked to see the kind of place i am staying at. Of course its not a normal house. This house is big enough to accommodate 5 person. It has a gym inside for Jungkook. A study room for the both of us. A music room that has all types of instruments and a baby room. A baby room that is never going to be use either now or in the future.


We stood outside the house. Yoongi looked around while i took out the keys. It looks like a mansion but it is smaller than a mansion. Yoongi looked around as his eyes scanned the neighbourhood.

"You guys have no neighbours or what?"

"No, our parents said its best if we have our own privacy."

"Privacy my butt." Yoongi mumbled.

"Alright you can go now. I'm going to enter."

"You're not inviting me in?"

"I may hate him but i still respect him as my husband. Inviting a guy inside is not a pleasant thing." I said and Yoongi nod his head.

"Then i'm glad that you're safe. If there is anything do give me a call." Yoongi said as he waved his hand while walking away from there. I watched as his figure slowly disappeared from my sight. As i was about to close the door, i realise that there was a shadow at the fountain infront of our house. I squinted my eyes to see clearly if it was really a shadow of a person or just the plants. Upon realising that it was a person, I quickly enter the house as i locked it and ran up to my room. My room's window is facing directly at the fountain. I looked out and saw a guy walking around outside our house.

Clearly i don't know what his motives are but its definitely not a good one. I took out my phone and dialled Jungkook's number.

"What?" He answered rudely. What a great way to make me feel safe, my dear husband.

"Where are you?" I asked and the other line went quiet.

"Ya..Where are you?" I asked again and my voice was shaking. I wanted him to accompany me by talking on the phone atleast for that moment.

"Sorry Haeun the teacher was talking to me just now. Whats wrong?"

"Are you coming home soon?"

"Ya whats wrong with you? Miss me already?" He joked but I wasn't in the mood to laugh.

"Please hurry home." I spoke and i look out the window. The guy was still walking around.

"Whats wrong? Ya Lee Haeun whats going on?" Now his voice was stern. I bit my lips as i was hesitant whether or not i should tell him.

I flash out my phone at the window switching it to a video call.

"Can you see it?" I whispered as i tried to walk closer to the window.

"Don't and yes i can see it. Lock yourself in my room. I'm coming home now and whatever you hear don't go out. I'm coming.." Jungkook hang up the call and i stare at my phone.

The guy was nowhere to be seen which scared me evenmore. What if he is in the same house as me? Who sent him here? There are so many questions that i have but who is there to answer it? I left my room and i ran to Jungkook's room. As i was about to close the door i heard footsteps walking towards the staircase. I close the door, locking it as i bury myself in his blanket.

At that point of time i don't care about hating Jungkook or what. I just want him to come home to me and keep me safe. Footsteps is heard outside as my heart was beating rapidly. I took out my phone dialling Jungkook's number.

"Haeun ah i'm driving right now and i'll be arriving soon. Whats wrong? Are you okay?" I tried to hold back my tears but it was flowing and it didn't stop.

"I'm scared... He is outside your room." I whispered as i tried my best to not make any sound of me crying.

"I'm coming don't worry and please hide yourself."

"Don't hang up." I said as i bring the phone closer to me.

"Alright i'll keep you company. I'm here." The footsteps outside stop moving as Jungkook's car pullover infront of the house. He kick the door open as he ran around finding for the culprit.

"Come out!!" Jungkook yelled out as i heard his rush footsteps outside. I opened the door and there stood Jungkook outside as he look at me in a rather worried expression. He rushed to me and pull me into a hug. His heart was beating so fast and almost similar to mine.

"Oh my god thank god you're fine. I called the police and i search everywhere but there was no sign of the person. Of course the door was pick open but i don't think there is going to be any fingerprints. Are you okay?" Jungkook pull away from the hug as he examine my face and my body. The worried expression on his face as he look all over me to see if i was hurt.

"You scared me!" He said and i continue sobbing. I was thankful that he was there to save me. To save me right on time.

I hug him again as i cried out everything.

"I'm sorry.. You must be really scared, its okay... I'm here."

At that point of time, his hug was the only comfort that i received. His hug was what i needed at that time. Eventhough i hated him, i was too scared to push him away.

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