30 - We're no longer secretly married

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Haeun Pov

Jeongsan is 12 months old now and he is a really active baby. He started walking at 9 months. Everyone calls him golden, he took over the golden title. After all being the son of the golden maknae, makes him a golden baby.

I was packing Jungkook's lunch boxes while Jeongsan is drinking his baby yogurt drink. He is a really quiet baby which is a good thing because at times when i have to do my chores, i will just put him down on the sofa and hand him his yogurt drink. He would drink it quietly until i was done with my chores.

"Jeongsan mummy's good boy." I said as i kissed his cheeks. The baby happily smile while kicking his legs on the sofa. He probably got the good trait from me.

I packed everything in my bag and also not forgetting about Jeongsan's diapers, milk and lunch. Carrying Jeongsan on one hand and carrying the haversack on both shoulders. Jeongsan and i am ready to visit Jungkook at work.

I drove to the company and park my car in the parking lot. I decided to quit working because of Jeongsan but i never regretted my decision. I walked with Jeongsan while holding his small hands. Getting on the elevator, everyone was staring at him.

"Awww he is so adorable.." They praised.

"I know, i got that a lot." I joke and they laughed at it.

"What is his name?" I carry him on one hand as i turn to face them.

"Jeon Jeongsan." I said before leaving the elevator. After they realise whose son was that, they immediately regret not greeting the chairman's wife also known as me.

I enter the office and everyone smile when they saw us. They excitedly surround the baby since it was their first time seeing Jeongsan after he was born. I scanned the area to look for Jungkook and finally saw him in his office looking all grumpy.

"Excuse me." I excused myself with the baby in my arms. I put Jeongsan down as he slowly make his way to his daddy.

"Papapaappa." Jeongsan started mumbling and Jungkook looks down only to his son walking towards him.

"My baby!!!!" He yelled excitedly as he carries Jeongsan and swings him around.

"You're only excited to see Jeongsan? What about me?" Jungkook's eyes was still on Jeongsan.

"Yeah i'm excited to see you too."

"You didn't even look at me Jungkook. Anyways here is your lunch."

"I'll eat it later. Jeongsan ... Why are you so cute." I carry Jeongsan away as i hand Jungkook his food.

"I know i get that alot. Now eat." Jungkook glared at me. He stood up and open his arms hoping that Jeongsan would excitedly come to him.

"Aww too bad he wants his mummy." I teased while sticking out my tongue at him. Jeongsan started playing with my hair and it annoys Jungkook.

"Why are you so annoyed about?" I asked and Jungkook shrugged.

"Ya, don't be salty that Jeongsan loves me more. I was the one who carried him for 9 months afterall."

"Yeah yeah, i know."

"Stop acting like a kid already." Jungkook went silent. I put Jeongsan down on my lap as I whisper something to the baby.

"Look at your dad acting like a kid."

"Ya, okay fine. Jeongsan, do you love daddy or mummy more?" He asked and Jeongsan being the good kid, kept quiet.

"Don't be childish Jungkook. Of course he loves us both. Its like you're asking me if i love Jeongsan or you more." Jungkook turn to me and shoot daggers.

"Of course i love-"

"My baby Jeongsan more right honey?"

"At this point, i don't know what we are even doing." Jungkook said while shaking his head.

Jungkook went home together with us since he is the chairman. I had to drive us home because that special someone decided that he wants to joke around with his baby. Jungkook really love Jeongsan i mean he loves Jeongsan more than me. He squish the baby's cheeks and being a goodboy, Jeongsan laugh at his father's action.

"Aren't you a good boy Jeongsan." He spoke as though the baby was old enough to understand.

"I just hope Jeongsan didn't have any of your stupid traits." I blurted out and Jungkook glared at me.

"What did you say?"


"Repeat." He demanded.

"I hope Jeongsan didn't have any of your traits. You were a brat when you were young."

"Brat? Ya!"

"You were more of a brat than me. You were those kids you know."

"Ya you were those kids not me." I fight back. Jungkook glared at me and i gave him the same look.

"Mummy..." Jeongsan blurt out and I immediately stop the car.

"Did you hear that? He said mummy just now." I took out my phone to film it but Jungkook snatched it away.

"No he didn't."

"Baby repeat for mummy please."

"Daddy..." He said and Jungkook excitedly took his phone out.

"No way. He said mummy first." I argued.

"But he said daddy now so-"

"No way!"

We started bickering and to be honest its stupid. It's stupid how we're bickering about small things like this but we only do it because we love each other. After 10 minutes of bickering, Jeongsan started crying. Jungkook took over to drive us home while i feed the baby.

Jeongsan ended up falling asleep in my arms.

"He is asleep." I said and Jungkook gently run his fingers on the baby's cheek.

"Who would've expected us to have a kid."

"Not the highschool Jungkook and Haeun of course." He said and i chuckled.

"The highschool us would hate us after knowing they would end up together."

"Nah, i know the highschool me would be thankful that i'm married to you."

"Stop it Jungkook you're an idiot."

We started off as two people who hated each other. Slowly, fate brings us together and we got married. We were secretly married to each other but now, we no longer are secretly married.

We're really married and now we have our boy who we love with all our heart.

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