Ailen Invasion II

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Tyrel's POV

I don't know how long I've been crying on between my mom and siblings grave. I finally decided to stand and walk off to a nearby bench. It has a really good view of the city and its usually where I go to if I need some time alone.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone sitting next to me. I knew it would be either Iris or Wally but when the person spoke, I was caught by surprise.

"Hey", Oliver started. "We've been looking all over for you", he continued and I turn to his direction. My eyes met Oliver and Barry who was standing behind him. "I thought you had an alien invasion to solve?", I joked a little to lighten the mood, at least it made them smile a little.

"Everyone was mad at me for what I did so I let them off with Kara to retrieve the president. I'm really sorry Tyrel", Barry answered and it made my eyes rol at his apologies. "Bear, stop apologising. I'm kinda use to you disappearing in me a lot and it's okay. I'm okay", I told him truthfully.

Oliver carefully studied my face to see if I was lying but I wasn't. I know the truth hurts a lot but Barry kept it for a good reason and now, I'm over it. "Are you sure?", Barry asked worriedly. I nod and smiled at them both.

"Yes Barry, I'm okay. And to answer the question in your head Oli, no I'm not lying to the both of you. How about this, you promise tell me the truth even if it means hurting my feelings and to at least spend time with me after school", I suggested to Barry.

"And you, stop putting on the strong facade everytime someone new comes along. I trust you and your senses but what you said to Kara back there is harsh. She's here to help us not kill us", I told Oliver. They both hung their heads low and soon nod slowly, agreeing with my suggestions.

"Good Cuz I just had a vision and it's not good", I said sternly and got their fullest attention.

After I told them my vision and what will happen to the team, Oliver quickly contacted Felicity and Cisco telling them about my vision and gather back there. Iris, Wally and Joe hugged me as soon as I stepped into the room.

"Thank god you're okay", Joe whispered and hugged me a little longer. Iris went on to hug Barry until Barry and Oliver left the room to somewhere else. Caitlin saw a small scratch on my forehead but I told her it's fine.

"Guys, you need to see this", Cisco said out loud and into the coms with Barry and Oliver. I stood behind the desk to see the team attacking us. Barry and Oliver quickly ran out side and fought back but I then realised what's wrong with them.

"Bear, Ollie, they've been mind controlled", I stated. "What?", everyone looked at me. "The Dominators", I paused. "They planned a trap for us. They must've brought back something from that ship of theirs. Cisci, Felicity try to track it down. Barry, Oliver, do you need backup?", I instructed and the duo said no.

"I gotta help them", Wally suggested. I agreed but Iris and Joe dismissed us both. "We gotta do something. They're losing out there", Wally told me. I nod at him, telling him to help out while I stay here.

He ran outside to help Barry but got blasted right after. "Wally's alive but he's hurt badly", Barry said through the coms. I went downstairs to change into my Shadow Mind outfit the saw Oliver fighting Sara.

"Ollie!!", I yelled. He turned to me and quickly dodged Sara's punch and threw her down. "Get Wally inside! Barry's almost there", He yelled back.

I made myself into a dark shadow so no one could see me and took Wally to safety where everyone else is. Caitlin did a quick check up and Iris thanked me for taking him here.

"Ty! I need you down here. Everyone is back to themselves but I just need you to double check", Barry called me in the coms and I went outside to meet up with them.

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