Crisis On Earth X Part 3

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Oliver's POV

We kept looking around at how everyone was. They were so scrawny, skinny and pale. They were scared for their lives and some already gave up on theirs.

"So this crap hole is is Earth-X", Sara spoke up. "Guys, I really can't feel my right leg. I've lost way too much blood. It's a true miracle I'm not dead", Tyrel said and groaned.

Barry stood next to her and helped Robyn stabilise her balance to stand. "It's hard to believe this place actually exists on any Earth", Alex pointed out and we all agreed.

"I wish I shared your sentiment but in all my travels in distant times, one thing which sadly remains constant is men's ability to feel hatred to other men", Professor Stein explained.

Jax looks around at the prisoners and noticed something. "Stars and Triangles?", he asked. "Badges used to identify purported crimes these people have 'committed' in here", He emphasises on Committed.

Jax looks to a guy and asked, "What's the pink triangle for? What did you do?". He looked at Jax. "I loved the wrong person and your friend there is going to be in big trouble if the guards see them touching each other", he answered, making Alex and Sara look at each other.

"I got her", I told Robyn and she let's go of Tyrel, letting me hold her. "We gotta get out of these things. Transmute us out", Sara told Professor Stein. "With Pleasure", he said and held Jax's hand.

"I can't vibrate out of them either", Barry says. "Power dampening collars", Professor Stein. "Then, why do we have them?", Alex questions. "For *coughs* precaution", Tyrel coughs out blood and held her side of the bullet wound.

"They're gonna kill my sister", Alex reminded us. "Look, we're not going to let that happen. I promise you, Alex", Sara said to her. "We're going to get back to our Earth before then", Barry adds.

"How? We don't even know how we got here", Jax pointed out. "No, we don't. We're going to figure it out. Then, we're going to find a way to get out of this place and we're gonna get back to the people we love", I state and Barry mumbled something I couldn't tell.

Tyrel continues to groan and soon fell to her knees. I bend down to her level. "Ty, Ty, you have to fight this. Please, we need you", I begged her. "Ollie", she called my name and put out her hands. It was unlocked. "Smart girl", I kissed her forehead and hugge her tight but she shrieked and I apologised to her. She waved me off.

She held my hand and used her right foot to stand up. "Atta girl", Jax said and she smiled. There was then an alarm which scared everyone and they move back from the gates.

Gaurds came running in and geld guns to scared them off. "What's going on?", Alex questions. "I don't know", I moved a little with Tyrel by my side. "What are we doing?", Barry ask the same guy that Jax talked to.

"It's round up time", he answered. "Round up for what?", Sara asked. "To kill us, Sara. They're going to kill us", Tyrel responded. We all moved back until the Gaurds came up at us.

"In line, now!", one of the gaurds commanded and we all followed. "So these are, the heroes", we all turn our attention to him. He's an evil doppelganger of Quentin Lance.

He scoffs when he looks at Sara. "Blonde hair, blue eyes. This is Nordic perfection. Why would you align yourself with the unpure?", he got closer to her. "Because I like men and I like women", Sara answered and he huffs, making Tyrel laughed a little.

"What are you laughing at, you fool?", Tyrel caught the guy's attention. "Nothing sir", she coughed out more blood and he chuckles at her. "Pathetic kid, you could have a good life ahead of you and you chose to be with them as well", he spots at her and she smirks.

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