Final Decision

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Tyrel's POV

It's March 15, 2018 and also the last week of Robyn and I staying in Portland. Almost the whole team came to the Heath-Press house due to Alex's recent news of her divorce.

She is doing better day by day and Jax is also starting to hate his father for leaving his mom. The divorce papers were signed two weeks after New Year's. Servando came here and said his goodbyes to his family.

Now, Alex is living with Tobin and Christen which is no problem for them at all. Right now, Kelley is staying over in the house to be by Alex's side and I think it's cute. I'm beginning to think they have some feelings for one another.

What else? Oh yeah, Sara called me to update on the Legends and also for some advice on Ava. Trouble in paradise it has and they're new enemy was a demon. Costantine is back and helping them defeat the demon. I missed out on quite alot.

Jax has been studying in University himself and grew to be a pretty great engineer. Lily got married to his son's father and Team Flash is close to defeating DeVoe.

Back to now, Robyn is sound asleep next to me. I moved slowly away from her grip and took out my songbook. That's right, I keep a songbook now. Alex gave me three notebooks during Christmas and it's been helpful. One for Music, another for sketching and another for writing down anything somewhat like a diary.

I heard Robyn yawn and groaned behind my back and turned to see her pouting. I close my book and leaned closer to her to kiss her lips. She smiled to me still sleepy and her eyes closed. "Good morning, my love", I greeted her and she groaned.

"What's so good about the morning?", she asked and threw a pillow at me, Turing to the other side on her stomach. I laughed and caught it in time before it hit my face. I put the pillow aside and stood up, walking to her side of the bed.

"Come on, love. It's our last week here. Don't you want to spend time with your family?", I ask her and she opened her eyes with a pout. "Why must you bring that up?", she groaned and flips to the middle of the bed, facing the ceiling.

I shook my head and threw another pillow at her. "I'm going to shower first", I told her and she nod. I took my towel and the clothes for today then walk in the bathroom to shower.

After showering, Robyn went ahead and showered next. I decided to walk down and joined the rest of the family. "Mornin' Ty!", Tobin greets me first. Alex turn her head and smiled at me. "Let me guess, Kelly's asleep?", I question Alex as I sat next to her and she nods.

"So, what's the deal with the two of you?", I ask Alex and she choked on her piece of pancake. Tobin leaned closer to the table too so hear her answer. "Nothing is going on with us... We're just friends, okay?", she denied and I rolled my eyes.

"I can see right through people, Alex and you are lying. How long?", I told her and she gives up, sighing. "Two years ago", she mumbled and I smiled to her. Tobin did the same as well. "We're always here for you, Alex. Remember that", Tobin reminded her and Alex smiled, thanking us for the comfort.

Christen soon came down with Robyn and I looked at Tobin, smiling. She does the same to me and we start laughing. "What? What's so funny?", Robyn ask us both. "Like Mother like Daughter", I pointed out to their outfits and they shrugged at the same time.

Robyn and I shook our heads and we went on with breakfast as usual. Kelley soon joined us and sat next to Alex. "Any plans today?", she spoke up and I shrugged. "Come on, it's your last week in LA. There must be something you'd like to do?", Kelley persuaded us.

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