New Year

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Tyrel's POV

Living with Robyn's parents have been great. Tobin and I got closer and my plan to make Tobin and Robyn closer had been working. Christen has always been happy for me and supportive.

She also gave me a few tricks to win Robyn's heart but I told her I didn't need that as I trust I should find all that my way. The team all left to go home but only some stayed like Alex and Jax. They stayed because apparently Alex's husband is busy and can't visit them here. What a douche.

Tobin has been telling me how Alex and her husband have been having troubles in their relationship since Jax was born. He wasn't even in the hospital when it happened. Can you believe that?

Anyways, I've been getting updates from my old teammates. Apparently they have two new recruits. One from the future and holds the earth totem, Zari and the other Wally. Yes, Wally as in my brother. Seems like Rip took a long trip to find him and persuade him to join the Legends.

Ray also updated me on how Sara took Ava out on a date. It went terribly wrong so says Sara but they had their first kiss while fighting blackbeard which was cool. Ava and I got to talk as well and she's definitely a good match for Sara. I just hope she realises that she does deserve love in her life.

I also got the chance to talk with Mick and he approves of Sara and Ava being together. He also told me how he was doing with Snart and all. I gave him my good luck and reminders and he told me he loved me. Yep, the cold hearted Mick said I love you to me. Of course, I said it back and yeah, looks like everything is going well on Team Legends.

On Team Flash however, Caitlin found out who was the professor I worked with for my hearing aids and the prosthetic leg. She was mad at me but I explained to her how she was very welcoming and how I was being cautious about them. She understood and left me alone.

Anyways, I woke up to an empty bed. I threw on a t-shirt and grey sweatpants then, head downstairs. It is New Year's eve and I was planning to go on a date with Robyn today.

I walked downstairs and saw Christen and Tobin watching TV. Tobin turned around and saw me. "Afternoon, Ty. Had a good sleep?", Tobin asked me, making Christen turn her head as well.

"Yes, thank you for asking. Where's Robyn?", I ask them both, looking around for her. "She's with Jamila buying items for the New Years Party, why?", Tobin answered with a question.

"I just wanted to ask her something", I waved them off and sighed. "No, no, no, no, no. Come here, tell us", Chriten patted on the empty seat next to her and I shrugged, sitting there.

"I had this whole plan to ask her out on a romantic date, not like the ones we always do. I wanted it to be as perfect as our first date", I told them and they made an 'O' face, understanding my problem.

"Well, where do you want it to be?", Tobin asks. "That's another thing, I don't know anything about LA and was hoping you guys could help me out", they nod at my statement that thought about it. "Well, when Robyn was a kid, we would bring her to the Rose Garden. She loved it there", Christen suggested and I thought about it.

"How about you bring her to the park. She loves walking and talking with you. We can help you make a picnic and you guys could eat there together. It's plain, simple and sweet", Tobin suggested which made Christen laugh. "Of course you would suggest that", Christen teased her and Tobin faked hurt. She ended up kissing her cheeks to make her feel better.

"Anyways, back to my problem", I caught their attention and they listened. "I think I'll do the Rose Garden thing. I'll put up some speakers, ask her to dance with me and cook up something light. It's both simple and sweet", I made my decision.

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