First Fight And A New Start

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Tyrel's POV

I woke with the smell of pancakes from outside. I quickly showered and changed and joined my dad outside. "Morning dad", I greeted him and he smiled brightly at me. That guy is smilier than me.

"Good morning sweetheart, how's your sleep?", he asks. "Good, what's for breakfast?", I ask him. "Umm, pancakes and fruits. I kinda need to restock food supplies", he informed and I laughed. "I'm good with that and I'll help with the groceries too", I volunteered.

He then gave me a plate and a banana. I gratefully thanked him and ate my breakfast. He also poured in chocolate milk. "So, what are you gonna do next?", he ask me. "Robyn should be at work by now. Maybe I'll go to the gym and work off some steam. Then, once she comes home, we'll talk", I told him and he nods.

"Okay, why don't you come with me to Star Labs? I bet they would love to see you. Its been a while, hasn't it?", he suggested and I shrugged. "Come on, babygirl. Caitlin and Cisco could use your brilliance and I bet you miss your lair", he tried to convince and I wasn't really in the mood to argue so I nod and he walks over to hug my side.

"Go get ready, I'll clean up and meet you upstairs", he says and I groaned, knowing I still have to face Jamila. He chuckled and shook his head as I took whatever I had and went out the door to get to mine and Robyn's apartment. I hate it that I started all of this. If only I had been more open to her then this would not have happened.

As I unlock the door to my apartment, I'm met with an angry Jamila. "Hey Jam", I greeted but she huffed out in anger and shook her head. "I know, it was my fault. I'm going to fix it, okay? I swear to you it wasn't my attention to yell at her like that", I defended myself but it wasn't really enough.

"You bet you better fix it! After you left, she cried all night just because she hadn't seen you like that. I couldn't even go in and comfort her. She refused to leave the room and before you ask, no she hasn't gone to work. She's in your room, sleeping. Word of advice, let her sleep then talk", she warned and I gulped, nodding to her.

"I have to go, you better clear this up. I don't want to have to come home and kill you for breaking her heart", she glared at me and pointed, making sure she knows she's serious. I nod to her and told her I understood. Once she left the house, I put my jacket away and slowly made my way to my room that I share with her.

I knock on it softly then, I heard, "Go away, Jam!". She sounded so broken, it hurts me more that I did that to her. "It's me, Robyn. Can I come in?", I ask her softly but loud enough for her to hear me. I then heard the door clicked, meaning it was unlock.

It opened to reveal my girlfriend having red cheeks, puffy eyes and messy hair. "Hi baby", I greeted her gently and I was expecting that she hit me but was surprised when she lunged herself onto me. Thankfully, I catch her and held her tight.

"I'm so, so sorry", I apologise to her again and again but she pulled back and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. I should have never brought up the professor. I knew it was a touchy subject and I pushed it. I'm sorry, Tyrel", she says genuinely but I disagree. "You shouldn't be the one to say you're sorry. I'm at fault here. I was closed off and never keep my end of our relationship. I promise I'll be more open about my feelings from now on", I promised and she let out a small smile.

"You know, my parents are kinda pissed you made me cry", she informs, lighrning up the tension. I laughed and nod to her. "I'll make it up to them. For now, let's talk things over, okay?", I suggested and she nods to me.

We both sat down on our bed, facing each other with our hands still intertwined. "After the funeral, before Joe suggested I had to get therapy, I blamed myself for not using my magic earlier. I thought of the what ifs and if only. I kept on blaming myself and honestly, I still do. Last night, my dad handed me my phone and told me to call someone who would know what to say. So, the first person that came to my mind was - Sara", she cuts me off and I nod.

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