Crisis On Earth X

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Tyrel's POV

The day is here. Everyone rushing, Iris stressing out and Barry being his happiest he's ever been.

Sara and the team is coming back, it's going to be awkward when Robyn and her meet in real life. I just hope that Sara is doing okay. Other than that, I'm excited to see Kara again.

She's bringing someone which I'm hoping is her sister. Besides Kara, I get to see Oliver again. The first thing to do today is meet Barry and they guys.

I'm not going with the girls, I know but Barry wanted me to be by his side and that's what I'm gonna do. I left Faith with Cecile of course and her parents.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Barry trusted Robyn enough to tell her his identity and so did everyone else. Robyn was pretty cool when she found out about Team Flash and Team Arrow and also about Sara and the legends. I explained to her how each of us met and even told her about Kara.

Right now, I'm with Barry and Oliver for our suit fitting. Hey, I got a haircut and I look like a guy, why not? I was in the changing room when Barry kept on telling us about how he was in love with Iris and he couldn't come up with a vow.

Oliver gave him suggestions that weren't helping at all. "Bear, when you are up there", I pull the curtain away and got out. "The words will come to you naturally", I told him.

"Damn, you should wear a suit more often, Ty", Barry compliments and I smiled to the mirror. Oliver turn me to face him and tied my tie. I was the only one wearing navy blue.

"You clean up nice, Ty", Ollie says and I said the same thing back. "I can't believe you're doing it, Bar", Oliver looked at him from the side. "Yeah, man. What can I say? I got the girl", Barry replied with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"What about you, you ever think about making it official?", Barry ask Oliver. "Again? Yeah but with everything that's going on right now, it's just not the right time", he replied.

"Oh please, Ollie. There's never a right time but you can ask her. See what she thinks. If she's not comfortable, I'll talk to her for you", I told him and he nods. "Thanks Ty", he said and I pay his shoulders, turning back to the mirror.

"You love her, don't you?", I ask him. "Yeah, of course. I do", he replied. Once I finished with my suit, I turn to him. "Put a ring on her, Oliver", Barry beat me to it. "People like us are always getting into trouble, right? Having someone we love by our side just makes it much easier to get out of the trouble. We have someone to fight for", Barry sighed and turn to the mirror.

I smiled at them both. Maybe it's time for me to break out those three words to Robyn. "If we can have our happy ending, so can you, I promise", Barry said to Oliver and Oliver smiled. "I'm supposed to be the all-knowing mentor to the both of you", he says.

"I have been known to catch up", Barry shrugs and made me laugh. The next thing I know is that Oliver walked back into the changing room and I shook my head. I did the same so I could change.

I got home to change for tonight's dinner rehearsals. After that, I called Robin.

Hey Tyrex
Hi babe, hey do you want me to pick you up from your apartment?
Yes, that would be nice
Don't worry about your dress, I'm taking a car with me so it'll not rip
Thank god, I thought I'd have to wear jeans or anything
How was pedicure with the gals?
It was cool. We didn't get to meet Kara's sister yet but Felicity is really cool. I'm so glad that I have a superhero girlfriend
Why's that?
Cuz, she has all these connections to other people and her own superhero gang

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