Elseworlds II

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Tyrel's POV

I woke up still with a bad feeling in my gut. I turn to my side to see my beautiful girlfriend, sleeping peacefully with my arms wrapped around her. I kissed her forehead and slipped out of her grip but as soon as I tried to get into the shower, I heard a yawn.

"You thought you could sneak off without me knowing?", she asked and I turn to see her smirk at me. I smiled and walked back to her. "I was hoping you could get more beauty sleep, love", I pecked her lips and she kissed it back. "What about you, huh?", she asked as we pulled away. "I wanna check up on Barry and Oliver just in case", I told her then, got back up and head to the shower.

"Yeah, about that...", Robyn trails off and I sighed. "What did they do now?", I asked and she looked at her fingers, guiltily. I lifted her head up with a finger and used my pleading eyes. She sighed and gave in. "Iris told me that Kara, Barry and Oliver are headed to Gotham City but heading to Star City to pick up Diggle first", she informed me and I smiled.

I leaned into her lips and kissed them. I could feel her being confused so, I pulled away. "That's for thinking I could be mad at you for not telling me this. I'm not mad, love. Thank you for telling me, I gotta go", I told her and head to the shower to change and freshen up.

Once I got into my clothes, I grabbed my suit box that had my weapons in them too and head to the living room. "Look who's up early", I heard Jamila snark at the kitchen. I smiled and put down the box, joining her for breakfast. "So, you're not gonna kill me for breaking her heart?", I asked and she shook her head. "If anything, I've always known you two would make up. Just try and not get yourself killed. You already lost a leg, don't need you to loose another one", Jamila points out and I chuckled while nodding.

"Noted. See ya around, beautiful", I stood up and took my bags, walking out the door with my leather jacket and keys. I rode to Gotham City and head to Bruce's old building. Once I've parked in the alley, I head to the front door and looked around. This place really needs an upgrade. "Well, well. What a surprise", I heard Kate's voice and looked up. I smirked and she smiled at me.

"Hey Kate", I waved at her and she came down from the stairs. "Whatcha doing here, kiddo?", she asked and I sighed. "Barry, Oliver and Kara are coming here soon and I wanted to be a head start since they didn't invite me. Anyways, long story short, Barry is Oliver and Oliver is Barry", I explained and she looked at me confused but shook it off and hugged me.

"Iris called and said that you lost a leg. I thought she was kidding but damn, looks like it's real and you're not even 20 yet. Kind of a hero, aren't ya?", she teased and I chuckled, nodding my head. "I get that a lot. I've made many sacrifices but in the end, it was worth it. What about you? How's Batwoman coming along?", I questioned her but she just shrugged.

"Come on, we'll talk more at the office. I'm sure they'll come sooner or later", Kate said and swing her arm around me. We continued to catch up and I told her all about the things that had happened since the last time I saw her and also told her how my father was doing. Kate wasn't doing much herself only the fact that her twin sister is alive and trying to ruin Gotham City.

"I guess all for one and one for all, huh?", Kate joked. "I mean, I was never cut out to be normal anyways. Neither of us are", I pointed out and she shrugged. "So anyone in your life, right now?", I asked and she scoffed. "No, not for me, kid. The reason no one knows who batman was is because Bruce kept it a secret. You know, refrain from the outside world. No dating means no one gets hurt", she explained and I nod.

We continued on talking about our lives. After a while, Kate's phone rang and she held up to make me see that it was the police department. I let her talk to the officer and discuss things as I look around the old building. "You're dear friends and brother got arrested and you should tell them to thank me because I just released them", she informed me and I sighed while shaking my head.

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