Blast From The Past

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Tyrel's POV

A weeks had passed and we're heading to the airport with Tobin driving us there. Barry told me that Iris was going to pick us up from there. Jamila didn't want to come along because she wanted to spend more time with her family.

When we reached the airport, Robyn hugged her mom for the last time and she kissed her cheeks. "Take care of my daughter, Ty and all the best for your career. Be careful, alright?", Tobin adviced and I nod to her. We hugged each other and said our goodbyes.

We entered the plane and I put our luggages on the top as Robyn sat on our seats. After I closed the compartment, I sat next to Robyn and she laid her head on my shoulder. "What's our plan when we get back?", she ask me.

"Well, we settle down in your apartment, you go back to work and I have to take care of some family things", I told her and she shot up. "What family things is this exactly? Are you talking about the Wests or your own?", she asked me cautiously.

I sighed and took her hand. "My own. A detective called last week, said that there was something that came up and it's very personal. I'm meeting him after we settle down", I told her honestly and she let out a breath.

"Do you want me to come along or?", she asked me and I shook my head. "I'm going alone. I don't want anyone else to be involved. I told Joe and Barry already and they said if I need anything, I'll call them. You my love, need to stay where you are. When I'm ready to tell you everything, I'll tell you okay?", I cupped her cheeks and she joined our foreheads together.

"Okay, take your time baby", she pecked my lips and I kissed her back. She laid her head on my shoulders again and we fell asleep. I'm so luck to have someone who's patient with me and my past.

~~ 2 hours later ~~

I woke Robyn up as we land and head out to the lobby where Iris was. We hugged one another and and drove us to Robin's apartment. "Okay, here we are. Don't worry about your stuff, the guys already moved it in for you", Iris told us and I thank her. "Welcome home, Ty", she says before leaving us there.

I took our luggages upstairs as Robyn unlocked her door. "Wow, it's so clean. Remind me to thank Barry later", Robyn says. I dragged out luggages to our room and Robyn helped me put all our clothes in the closet or the laundry basket.

I got ready to meet the detective. By the time I was down showering and changing, Robyn left a note saying that she had to go for work already. I shook my head and put the note aside. I went to call Ollie so he could send me there.

An hour past and he arrived with his SUV. "Hey Ollie", I greeted him while entering the car. "So, are you going to explain to me why you're going to Gotham?", he ask while watching the road.

"A detective that worked for my father's case call me and said that he had something personal to share. I called you because I know you'd want to follow me. I heard Bruce left Gotham a long time ago and you haven't been there sing you were offered a deal with him. I thought why not. Besides, I don't want Barry or Joe or Iris to worry about me", I explained to him and he nods, understanding.

"What about Robyn?", he asked. "I told her already and she's willing to wait patiently for me to open up about my past", I told him. "She's good for you", he commented. "I know, Ollie. Everyone says that. I'm starting to realise she's too good for me", I agreed and he chuckles at me.

"Don't sweat it kid, I found the love of my life, Barry found his and Sara moved on already. You've found someone special, you just have to decide if she's the one for you or not", Oliver adviced and I thought about it but shook it off.

"I'm only 18, Ollie. I can't decide if she's the one or not. I know she's 22 but still, I'm so young", I pointed out and she laughed even more. "Ty, it doesn't matter. I found the live of my life when I was 13 but she passed away and I realised Felicity was the one for me. I love her with all of my heart and would risk anything for her. Don't you feel the same with Robyn?", he asked me as he parked near the Wayne's building.

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