Crisis On Earth X Part 4

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Robyn's POV

Tyrel passed out when we passed through the portal. Oliver told me to take her to the ship and follow Sara. I did as told and carried her carefully to the ship that Tyrel has always been talking about.

The Professor was also hooked up with wires right next to Tyrel. "Their pressures dropping. We need to staunch the bleeding", Caitlin says out loud. "Right away, Dr Snow", a voice from somewhere said.

"Come on, Ty. You can fight this", I say to my girlfriend who was know stripped to her inside shirt. "I'm sorry about the Professor Jax", I said to him as he stood next to the Prof. He shook his head and ignored my apologies.

"No, there's no way he's going to die. He cannot die", Jax refused and I kept quiet and focused on Tyrel. Sara and Mick soon ran inside. "Jax, relax. The Professor is going to be fine. He's a tough bastard", Mick tries to comfort Jax but it wasn't working because he threw up.

"Robyn, you need to breath, okay? She's going to make it too, she's a strong fighter. Believe in her, alright?", Sara calmed me down and I just nod. She left to check on the res. I was more worried about Jax as The professor was like his father and losing him would be painful.

Jax starts to vomit out blood which worries me. A guy came inside and caught his fall. "Jax is hit!", he yelled. He carries him to the third chair. "I can't find an entry wound", he adds on.

"Look at their vitals, it must be because of their connection", Caitlin pointed out as soon as there was a beeping sound from Tyrel's chair. "Gideon, what's happening?", Caitlin asked someone and I'm guessing it's the voice that copied her.

"Tyrel's had lost too much blood and her body is slowly shutting down from her legs", Gideon answered. "What do we do?", I ask Caitlin. "We'll have to amputate her leg so that her blood could be stabilise", Caitlin decides. "Just do what you can to save them", I told her and she nods.

"Okay, I need some space", Caitlin says which made us three nod at each other. I walk to the main area where Barry and Iris were. "How is she?", Barry asks me. "Not good, Caitlin has to amputate her legs for her blood to stabilise. The professor is also not doing good and Jax is the only reason that is keeping him alive. I'm scared", I admitted.

Iris and Barry pulled me into a hug and told me that it's going to be okay. I played with the ring Tyrel gave me and sighed. "I hope so", I mumbled.

Jax's POV

"How are you feeling Jax?", I hear Caitlin ask me. "Oh, don't worry about me. How's Grey?", I ask her. "I have him sadated. Don't worry, Gideon and I will do everything we can to fix him", she assures me and I nod.

"What about Tyrel? How is she?", I ask her. "Tyrel's had been shot a lot. Its a miricle she's breathing right now", she replied. "What will happen to her?", I ask. "Well, Gideon successfully removed her left leg already and she's her body is reacting quickly. She's stabilise now", I nod and smiled while saying thank you.

She left the room and I fall back asleep. Hours later, I heard my name being called and saw Grey trying to talk to me. He told me he needed to tell me something. I took off the wrist needles and walk over to him.

"What? Talk fast. Because unless you're sadated, Gideon can't do a thing to patch you back up", I told him and he had a smile. "Can't you see that, I'm dying?", he says and I refused to agree with him.

"What are talking about, man?", I told him and he sighs. "I'm old, Jefferson and even if I hadn't been shot, no one loves forever", he slowly said.

"Grey, I don't even want to hear talking like that, man", I told him but he was stubborn. "As long as we're connected, I'm nothing more but an anchor around your neck. Which is why you must help me", he asked.

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