Elseworlds III

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Tyrel's POV

I woke up with full memory of what had happened. Novu really gets on my nerves sometimes. I have the same gut feeling as I did yesterday but this time, I woke up in a huge apartment. I turn beside me to see a girl that wasn't Robyn.

I immediately shot up and wore my clothes. What shocked me was that Robyn came out of the bathroom minutes later. We had a threesome? What the-? "Oh yeah, that was my fault. I wanted to make things right between us so, I gave you an offer you can't resist", she explained and pointed to the undeniably hot woman on the bed.

"W-what happened last night? And where are we?", I asked her only for her to giggle and walk over to me. "We're in your apartment, silly. Yesterday was your birthday. I mean, I don't blame you for forgetting because you were all over the place. Look, I'm sorry for leaving again, I promise I won't take anymore deals, okay?", she looked at me in my eyes and I played along.

"Yeah, yeah. I forgive you. Hey, have you seen my phone?", I asked her. She gave me a peck on the lips and told me that it was on the table in my office. I rushed around my house and found my office space. Man, I gotta be some sort of billionaire to own a house this big. I reached to my phone and saw the date. It was my birthday yesterday and my wallpaper is Robyn with a kid and I.

"Babe?!", I called out. Robyn came in with my clothes which made me smile. "Don't worry, I told her to get home. What do you need?", she informed and asked. I showed my phone and asked her who the kid was. "That's our son, silly. Ty? Are you okay? Maybe you took too much alcohol or ate something bad last night. Do you need a day off? I can call your dad to cancel your meeting today if you're not feeling well?", she asked me with a lot of worry in her eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. How old is our kid?", I asked her. She looked at me with more worry. "Okay, I'm gonna call your dad to cancel the meeting. You're not yourself, today", Robyn rushed out if the office buy I caught up to her only to hear a baby screaming and crying. "I'll get him, you go shower then, take your pills", she instructed or more like commanded.

"No, no, it's okay. I wanna see my son. You go start on breakfast, okay baby momma?", I kiss her cheeks only for her to smile then, kiss me on the lips. "Okay then", she says and head off to the kitchen. I walked into the room where the baby was in and saw him. Martin Raul Thorne. After the professor.

I walk towards his crib and looked at him. He has my eyes but her face. Oh, this so precious but the thing that confuses me is that how am I rich and how on earth do I have a son? I shook my thoughts away and cradled my son into my arm. He stops crying and I swayed him while humming a tune. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and he giggled.

A few minutes later, he became quiet and started fussing again. "Must be hungry, aren't you little guy?", I said to him in a baby voice. "I can never get over how amazing you are with him", I heard my girlfriend's voice at the door and looked at her with a big smile on her face. "You were always good with children", she came up to us and gave little Marty a kiss on his head.

"Come on, breakfast is done and I have to breastfeed this little guy", Robyn said, taking Martin off my hands and to hers carefully then, we head to the living room. "How are you feeling?", she asked while putting on the cover on her so she could let her boobs out. "Baby, it's just us, you can take that off", I teased her and played along but she smacked me. She slowly and carefully placed Martin under the blanket and let him breastfeed.

I helped put the food that she cooked on plates and then, grabbed some juice and milk. "To answer your question earlier, much better thanks to that angel", I replied to her while grabbing the bottle of pills in the cupboard to help with my hungover. "So, do you remember anything?", she asked as I fed her the breakfast she had cooked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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