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Mick's POV

I did what I had to do. They never trusted me anyways. I'm always going to be a thug to them so why not never change at all.

I still felt a little guilty leaving the kid behind and guess what, in this reality they created, she died when her father stabbed her with a knife leaving her to bleed.

Snart doesn't care about her but I felt extremely guilty now. When they created this reality, Snart and I kept on robbing banks but it wasn't like the usual Rob. The police was scared of us and there was no killing or burning. Its boring.

"This is no fun, Snart. Where's the thrill when the cops were chasing us?", I told my partner and he laughed at me. "Are you kidding Mick? This has always been our dream. Just look around, everyone is afraid of us!", he chuckles and balst out his gun.

His phone rang and I already knew it was Thawne. "We could discuss this later. Thawne is summoning us", he said and kept his phone back. "Since when do we get summoned?", I growled at him and he just walks off.

It was very boring and Thawne just ask us to take care of some people. But then, Nate was tackled into the ground which was quite funny but I held it in. He explained how reality had scars and he wanted to Ask Thawne for help.

"Leo, Mick, why don't you take Mr Heywood here for some fresh air. Oh and kill him", Snart right away took out his gun and pointed at him. I did the same.

"Walk, now", Snart said coldly. We walked out of the lab and to an abandoned factory. Skip forward, I punched him in the ground and help untie Nate's cuffs.

"You save my life, why?", he asked me. "Because I'm an idiot", I answered truthfully. "It could be my scars talking but I'm sensing you're telling the truth", Nate said and I drive us to Star City where Haircut lives now.

"No way, this is the guy that's going to fix reality?", Nate questions. "Uh-huh", I nod and crossed my arms. "Um, who are you guys and what are you doing here?", Ray asked with a confused face.

Blah, blah, blah, I got punched in the face twice after shooting them with the gun to regain their memories and now trying to figure out how to get the rest back.

Then, Sara and Amaya stormed in. Pretty and Haircut had no idea they don't know who they are and are here to kill them. But after the fight, Sara punched me last.

"One more person punches me and I'll punch back", I warned them. "What the hell happened to me?", Sara asked us. "It appears after the Legion took the spear and changed reality, they decided to keep us as pets", Ray explained.

"Yeah, except for you. You help the Legion steal the spear. And where is Tyrel, huh? If memories serves me right, she's dead, isn't she?!", I could only look down and nod back at her. I was expecting another punch but Nate pulled Sara back.

"Listen, I made a mistake okay? I'm always bound to disappoint that kid and I never meant for this reality for her being dead to happen", I defended myself.

"Let's put aside our feelings of revenge towards Mick and figure out a way to get our team back", Haircut pointed out. Sara got out of Pretty's grip and glared at me.

"I have a place where we could hide", Pretty raised his hand. We all took a jeep to his house or his basement at least. "Mommy makes great sandwiches", I commented and took another bite.

"The best. It's the perfect amount of mayo, meat bread ratio that gives it a real - Focus", Sara hits the table in frustration.

"We need to figure out how to the rest of the team and get the spear back so we could undo this reality where Tyrel is alive", Sara reminded.

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