Ailen Invasion

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Tyrel's POV

"Hey, Ty! How's school today?", Iris asked as I swang my backpack off my shoulders and land on the couch. "Same old, same old. Tests are okay, bullies are still the same and counselling is the same as always", I replied and shrugged.

"Ty!!", my little sister, Faith ran down the stairs and engulfed me into a big hug. "Hey nugget, you didn't trouble Cecile now did you?", I ask her while kissing her cheeks. "Nah, she's a good kid so far", Cecile smiled at me and I mouthed a thank you.

"You know sooner or later you'll have to talk about your past", Joe walks pass me and taps my shoulder. I sighed and nodded at him. "Yes, yes I know but I don't like digging the past. That bastard is already in jail, I'm fine with my life now. I have the most wonderful Foster family and a cute sister that I live beside me. What else could go wrong?", I said and soon heard Iris phone ring.

She looks at it and sighs. "Come on, the team's waiting for us at Star labs. Get your jacket this time", she reminds me. I let Faith down and bent to her level. "I'll be back home for dinner, okay kiddo?", I tap her nose and made her giggle. She nods cutely and hugs me one last time. I gave her a kiss on the head and soo stood up to follow Iris.

"Hey, Ty!", I heard Joe calling me and turned around. He was holding up my Jean jacket. "Right", I walk back to him and took the jacket. Iris and I went into her car and she drove us to Star Labs.

You see after my two siblings passed away three years ago, I started living with The Wests more often. When I told Joe about what my father did to me, he made sure he paid his price in jail forever and he did. I've been close to Iris and Wally a lot as they are always protective of me. Barry and I have our differences but we make a great team when Central City needs us.

I somewhat have full control of my powers now and Faith sometimes calls me a magician. Cisco made me a suit that matched with my personality and fit for my powers too. Plus, it hides my scars and that's what's important now.

Joe makes me go to counselling every day just to make sure I don't try to hurt myself but good news, I've been 11 months clean and I'm feeling much better than before. Sometimes I have the urge to hurt myself but Iris always steps in before that happens.

"We're here", Iris disturbs my thoughts. I nod at her and got out of the car. We went up the elevator and to the main room where the others were. "What's the emergency this time?", Iris asks immediately standing behind Caitlyn.

"Hi Frosty", I teased Caitlyn and she rolled her eyes at me. "Oh come on, you love it", I told her and she soon smiles back at me. "Cisco, Barry", I waved at them and they ignored me but I shook it off.

"Anyways, I called The Legends and Team Flash to help us with the alien spaceship problem. So, all of us are going to meet at the hanger later", Barry announces. I raised my hand but Barry cuts me off with, "Yes, Wally will be there too". I nod and walked away from the room after.

"Wait, hold up", I heard someone calling me from behind to see Cisco. I stopped and faced him. "What?", I asked, trying not to be rude. "I did woke adjustments to your suit, this time with a mask. Come with me", he motioned to his lab.

There was a mannequin covered with a big cloth in the middle of the room a d I sat on the table to wait for the reveal. "Here's to the new Shadow Mind", he pulls off the cloth to reveal my suit. It has a mixture of blue in it.

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