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Tyrel's POV

Sara slept with me last night. Not in the way that you think but just cuddled with me. I'm beginning to think that it's going to be a regular thing. Anyways, I woke up earlier than her as usual and went to the kitchen.

The lovebirds were there being lovey-dovey. When I say lovebirds I mean, Nate and Amaya. They were feeding each other breakfast until I walked in and Nate walks away.

"Wait, Nate!", I stopped him and he faced me. "You guys don't have to pretend not to be a couple around me. I'm okay with it. You guys were supportive of my relationship with Sara and now I'm going to do the same. Sit back down and enjoy your breakfast", I told them and Nate got excited and hugged me tight. I tried my best not to groan as he was squeezing my bruises from the blast yesterday.

"Nate!", I heard Sara yell. "She still has bruises from yesterday. Let her go!", Sara scolded him and he lets me go. He apologised but I forgave him and shook it off. Yes ,it hurts but he didn't mean it. Sara rushed to me and Amaya and Nate decided to leave us alone.

"You okay?", she asked and checked on my sides to see if it hurt. "Yeah, I'm okay. He didn't squeeze me that tight", I waved her off and sat down. Sara sighs and made us pancakes.

After we had our breakfast, Gideon informed Sara that Rip had the location and that they had to find Nate's grandfather. Ray and I stayed behind to be lookouts in case anything happens.

"Hey Ty?", Ray called my name and I hummed in response while looking at the security cameras that Gideon hacked. "Is there something you and Sara are hiding from us?", he asks and I look at him.

"No, I don't think so. Why?", I crooked an eyebrow at him. He shrugs and acted weird which is always how he acts. "Is just that you both seem more distant and Sara's more easily triggered than normal", he pointed out.

"So? Isn't that how we've always been? I mean, we broke up but we are on really good terms", I told him and he didn't have a big reaction but just nods. "Okay then", as soon as he says that, the team came back with no Captain Steel.

"1965 was a bust", Sara announced as she took off her gloves. "And by the way, the comms were on while you guys were talking about me", she pointed out and glared a little at me. I shrugged and walked away with her.

"Are we really on good terms?", she asks me while sounding unsure. "Sara, we talked about this many times already", I stopped us and faced her. I leaned on the wall a little. "I know but I can't help but feel we're not like we used too", she admitted.

"Are you serious? We sleep with each other almost every night now. If anything we're closer than before", I raised my voice a little but then took a breath and sighed. "Sara, if you don't want me here then just say it", I got frustrated. Everyone keeps on treating me like a kid and yes, I know I am but mentally, I'm not. I'm capable of dealing with my emotions even if I have anxiety or depression.

"I don't want you to leave, Tyrel because we need you here", Sara tried explaining whatever she had in her mind. "That's not the real reason, come on Sara. Just say it out loud, that's all I want", I told her and she sighs and let a tear fall.

"I tried my best to push my feelings for you down because you didn't like me the same way. I know you keep on telling me you love me but I just want you to be someone more to me", she explained, letting her tears fall.

I walk up to her and wiped the tears away. "I'll always love you, Sara but after all this is over, I'm no longer a part of Team Legends, okay? We need space to move on and something tells me that it'll be worth it", I told her and she nods, understanding.

"God, I'm pathetic", she shook her head and took a step back from me. I walked closer and stopped her. "No, you're not. You're the most strong, fierce, selfless, loyal and caring person I know. You'll get through it Sara and I'm sure you know it deep down too", I leaned closer and let her kiss me the last time.

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