The Chicago Way

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Tyrel's POV

I woke up thankfully before Sara did. Yeah, she slept over last night or something like that. Anyways, I carefully pull out of bed and put on some clothes before heading out to the kitchen.

I was asking Gideon to help me make pancakes but I was meet with the Professor. "Good morning, Prof", I spoke up first. He looked distracted and distraught. "I don't think Good is to describe this early morning", I laughed at his comment and passed him my cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry, Ms Thorne and thank you for the coffee", he cheers to me and I smiled at him. "Tell me what's bothering you, Prof. You know I don't like reading people's mind unless I have to get the truth out but it's also nice to ask someone sometimes", I joked a little which made him smile.

"I told Jax I had a daughter and he was mad at first but the advice you gave me, had me thinking that maybe I don't want to lose her", He confessed and I listened further. "But you don't know how to break the news to Sara or the rest of the team", I add. He nods and continued on saying that he's not sure if he made the right choice.

"You know I'll keep saying this to you until you'll get it but it's not about right or wrong, sometimes it's about if it's good for yourself. It's good to be selfish sometimes but not to much because that would be arrogant", I repeatedly told him.

"Alright, I need to get back to my room. Thank you for the talk, Ms Thorne", he got up and took the coffee I made with him. "Hey Prof!", I called him. "Just call me Ty or Alex. I don't know if I'm comfortable with Ms Thorne", I told him and he nods. "Very well, Alex", he smiles and I wished him good luck, figuring out.

I took out the pancakes from the machine and put whipped cream with chocolate sauce on it. "Hey you", I heard Sara call me and soon wrapped her arms around my waist. "Good morning to you too, babe", I greeted her.

"Whatcha eating?", she asked me. "Pancakes", I showed her as she keyed in the same thing to the machine. "You weren't there when I woke up", Sara pointed out and I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, I didn't wanna poke mama bear for breakfast. Plus, you deserve extra sleep", she smiled at me and kisses my cheeks. "Hey Sara, sorry to ruin your breakfast but the brothers are fighting again", Jax informed Sara and looked at me with mad eyes.

"I should go", I stood up and cleaned the dishes. I walked out, passing Jax by as he glared at me. "Wait! Come with us. Whatever beef you have with her, Jax, solve them later", Sara stopped me and I stook next to him.

He just rolls his eyes and walked forward to the bridge. I heard slamming and things breaking and realised that Ray and Nate were fighting again.

Sara stepped forwards and took charge. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?", Sara scolded them. It looked hot by the way. Jax was scanning around and I saw my weapon box opened.

"Oh come on, Ray. Oliver gave me that box", I rearranged the weapons nicely before closing it. "I'm keeping my weapons in my room from now on", I told them all and hugged the box to my chest.

"We were just sp-sparring", Nate stuttered. "Yeah, he's helping me calibrate the new suit", Ray ignored me and I scoffed. Jax shook his head. "Last time you two decided to spar, you wrecked my cargo bay", Jax reminded them but they just laugh.

"Hey! Don't make me come down here again", Sara said and motioned them that she's watching them both. I walked out first before Jax and Sara but we heard them mimicking Sara's words playfully.

I turned around but Sara stopped me. "I'll be back", she turned around and gave them a last warning then walked back with us. "What is going on with the two of them?", Jax asked Sara and completely ignored me.

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