Raiders Of The Lost Art

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Tyrel's POV

I woke up first as always before Sara did and her arms were tangled with mine. Last night was quite eventfull though my legs are quite sore.

I decided to untangle myself from Sara and put on some new clothes. I soon felt  a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and giggled as I knew it was Sara. I take off her arms and toss her some of my clothes.

"Get dressed, I'm gonna make you some breakfast", I kisses her head and ckees before leaving. Sara caught my wrist and pecked my lips. I pulled back and stopped her. "That was the last time we do it, okay? From now on, you treat me as your team member", I warned her and she sends me a smirk.

"Aw come on, you weren't complaining last night", she teased. "That's because you were too charming and forward. Plus you kissed me first and I got carried away", Sara smirked at me and I shook my head no.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop bothering you and try to move on", Sara surrendered and I thanked her. She put on my t shirt and my jacket and sweatpants on. She told me to join her since Nate had some discovery about the amulet.

"So the amulet is the long lost Longinus Medallion?", I asked Nate and he nods. "What is it?", Sara asked further. "Longinus is the name generally associated with the Roman Centorian who pierced the side of Christ during the crucifixion", I explained and Nate claps at me.

"Yeah, yeah he was blind until he got the blood of Christ then he could see again", Jax gave an example and I praised him. "What? I went to Sunday schools", he defended himself.

"Now that blood allegedly got on the medallion and empowered it and the spear with magical powers", Nate added. "Well why does the Legion of Doom want the medallion?", Ray asked.

"Legion of Doom?", Sara questions with one of her eyebrows raised. "Yeah, don't ask", Nate and Ray said together. "Well, according to legends, the medallion calls for a spirit and takes you right to it", Nate continues.

"The spear is also known as the Holy Lance or the spear of destiny", I added. I saw Sara smirk at me and I shook my head. "This all just sounds like an Indiana Jones movie", Sara commented.

"Raiders of the lost ark is the reason I became a historian, did you know that? - Nate!", I cute him off and he apologised. "What do they want with the spear?", Amaya asks.

"Some say the spear has the power to rewrite reality", I answered her question but left Ray even more confused. "How is that any different than us travelling through time, making changes to history?", he questions.

"Changes through history causes time quakes and aberrations which we can undo. Changes to reality however, those are permanent", Nate answers and Ray finally get it.

"Great, and I just hand them over the medallion", Sara says with a hint of regret in her voice. "Hey, you did it to save the Professor's life. Any one of us would have done that for him", I stood next to Sara and calmed her down before she starts stressing out again.

"Alright, Nate do more research with Tyrel this time and stay sharp for new aberrations so we can get their location", Sara stood up and kisses my cheeks before running off to who knows where.

"Let's go, kid", Nate pats my shoulder. "Don't call me kid. Only Mick says that", I warned him and he gulps whole nodding. "Right", he walked off first and I walk behind him ti the library.

"Gideon, any news on an aberration close pointing to the Legion of Doom?", I ask the Ai. "Actually, I have found some traces of cases that might lead to Mr Darkh and Mr Meryln.

"Ugh, I hate hearing or saying their names", I gagged a little and heard Nate laughing. "Hey", I pointed at him and sent a glare. "It's not funny when they are the cause of your mother's death and your childhood being destroyed", I told him and he gulps and nods.

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