Meet The Parents

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(A/N: Note that Christen Press is 36 years old and Tobin Heath is 38. Enjoy)

Tyrel's POV

It's been a week since the whole Earth-X trying to invade our earth and guess what? It's Christmas eve. I've been recovering a lot meaning, a lot of physical training with my new leg and a lot of visits from Caitlin.

I've also been seeing Marlize a lot more. I offered her to start the company with me but she refused and just told me that it was all my idea and that I deserve it after working so hard.

I couldn't thank them enough. Without their help, I would have not build the hearing aid that can permanently cure the dead and new prothetic limbs for amputees to enjoy. As for Team Flash, they're still searching for the supermeta.

I know it was Professor DeVoe in a way but I don't judge people so quickly. He's very good at hiding his feelings and putting on a face. He's still a sincere person. Let's just see how long he can put up the act.

Anyways, I've moved in to Robyn's apartment and it's more peaceful than Joe's honestly. Jamila and I became closer and always tease each other like sisters. She's annoying but I love her.

Robyn and I are doing great so far, we've had no arguments and she's been very patient with me. Joe made me take therapy again and Robyn has been by my side throughout the sessions. I love her with all my heart.

Faith's health is getting better each day. She's a healthy little girl and I couldn't be more proud. As for the Legends, they've been hunting down Damien and he is daughter Nora. Yup, you heard me, his daughter. Apparently, she raised him from the dead.

Right now, Robyn and I are packing up for our three month vacation and I'm very nervous. I was flooding my pants when Robyn came from behind and wrapped her arms around my waist and kisses my shoulders.

"Calm down, they don't bite," Robyn tries to clam my nerves but it wasn't working. I turn around and sighed. "What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm a freak? Or worse yet, what if they think I'm not good enough for you? What if", she placed her hand on my micyh to shut me up.

"Stop it, stop thinking about the what ifs. They know who you are, they know that you're applying to the police force and they know how you treat me. Just, calm down okay?", Robyn let's go of her hand and rubbed the sides of my arms.

I took a deep breath and smiled at her." Thank you", I pulled her close and kiss her head. "Ugh, you make me feel so single", we heard Jamila from our door. Robyn turned around and she laughed,making Jamila pout.

"Aww, come on Beautiful. One day the right person would come", I told her and Robyn smacks my hand. "What? You still mad at me for calling her beautiful? It's literally the Defination of her name. Look it up", I defended my self and Jamila said thank you and reminded us that our flight leaves in two hours.

Robyn ignored me for taking Jamila's side and I went behind her and hugged her tight. "Hey, don't be jealous, love. You are the most angelic human being I've ever met, okay? No one compares to your beauty and my love for you is infinite", I told her and she couldn't resist to be mad at me anymore.

She turns around and grabs my face to kiss me hard. I moved her hands to my neck then, I cupped her cheeks while kissing her back. When we pulled away, there was a few tears in her eyes. "I love you so much", I just smiled to her and gave her a quick peck.

"Let's finish packing before we miss our flight, alright?", I told her and she nods. We continued packing our clothes then, got out passports.

"Alright, lovebirds, let's get going!", Jamila yells. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Jamila's coming along just so she could visit her mom and her siblings.

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