Family Situation

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Iris POV

Wally volunteered to stay and take care of Faith while Barry and I waited for Tyrel to come home. We knew she wanted to see Faith right away so I help her lay out her clothes as Barry helped me clean her room.

I soon heard a knock on the door, indicating that it must be Tyrel. Barry opened the door and hugged the kid hello. He took her bags and walk up to her room to settle it down.

"Hey Iris", she shyly waved at me. "Hi, Tyrel", I opened my arms and she crashes into them very tightly. "I miss home so much", she says out loud. I let out a laugh and rubbed her back.

I pulled us apart and told her to change quickly as Barry and I wait fir her here. After she changed, we all got into my car and Barry drove us to the hospital. "So, what's this about you and Sara breaking up? Oliver doesn't sound too happy when he heard it from Sara and Captain Lance was really supportive of you guy's relationship", Barry spoke up.

"I broke thing with her because it didn't feel right. I still love her but she deserves someone better. She promised me that she'll still be professional anyways so we're good", Tyrel explained. "Hey, it's okay. At least you were honest although your relationship ended for only a few days", I tried to cheer her up but she only gave me a smile.

"She deserves someone better and so do you, Ty. What you did was brave and very mature, your mom would be proud", Barry corrected me and Tyrel sighs while agreeing with him.

Finally, we reached to the hospital. "Let's go see your sister", I patted her shoulder and she nods. We walk into Faith's room with Wally sleeping and Faith still unconscious with a pale face.

"Oh my god" Tyrel gasps at the sight and quickly ran to her sister's side. She took Faith's hands and felt them. "It's cold, why?", Tyrel asked us. "Well, umm ah, you see the doctor says that Faith has more white blood cells than red bloods cells so when her fever came along, her body can't fight the disease in her", Barry tried his best to explain the situation.

"What he means to say is that Faith just suffers from a rare blood disease that makes her body hard to fight all the bacteria and ugliness in her body", Caitlyn explained from behind.

Tyrel three herself into Caitlyn and Cisco's arms which made them smile and giggle a bit. "It's nice seeing you again kid", Cisco spoke up. Tyrel thanked him for the upgrade on the suit.

"So, what do we do now?", Tyrel asks us. "We get a bag of your blood and hope that it'll help Faith recover from her fever", Caitlyn told her and she slowly nods. "So, I'm guessing we'll mice Faith to our lab?", Barry asked the duo and they nod.

He slowly lifts Faith and ran quick to the lab. We all took our vehicles but Wally decided to take Tyrel there. When we reached Star Labs, I decided to wait around the control room for Tyrel to be done.

Barry stood next to me and I put my head on his chest. "They will be alright, if that's what you're worried about", Barry spoke up. I looked at him and shook my head. "No, I just worry about what will happen when Tyrel has to go back next week", I told him and he sighs.

"Ty will be alright, she has always been. For an 18 year old kid, she's as wise as Professor Stein and Ray combined", Barry tries to comfort me. "Yeah, well I do have an IQ higher than Albert himself", Tyrel came storming in the room.

"How ya feeling, kid?", Barry asked her. "Giddy a bit but I just hope it's enough for Faith to recover. In the mean time, I want hot chocolate and Jax just called, telling me that they are in town", Tyrel informed and I shrugged, following her to Jitters to get coffee.

Barry drove us there and paid for our drinks. "Lily! Prof, hey!", Tyrel shouted for them. Jax whispered something to her before she talked with the professor and Lily.

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