Moonshot II

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Previously on Legends of Tomorrow..

"Well, well, looks like we got ourselves a stowaway", we heard Thawne through the comm.

Sara's POV

Tyrel shook her head and walked over to the panels. "Ray, he's weak. He doesn't have speed in space. Use that as an advantage", she adviced. "Good thinking Ty", Ray shouts through as we heard a punch.

"What's happening? NASA expects radio contact in three minutes", Stein warned. "We ran into a problem. If we come back online, you're gonna have to cut the feed", I instructed them. "I got it", Jax said.

Henry sighed and slicked back his hair. While Tyrel is taking to Ray about his fight with Thawne, Ray made a mistake of pushing Thawne to hit a button that saperates the LEM from the command module.

"Ray, you're gonna have to fly the LEM", Tyrel says. "How do you so much about the spacecraft?", Henry asks Tyrel. "No time for questions, Henry. Houston, Ray's in trouble", Tyrel told Stein, Jax and Mick.

"Tell me something we don't know. Jefferson, you have to do something about the feed or else the whole world is going to hear Raymond crashing on the moon", The Professor whispered yell. "Wait! Haircuts crashing on the moon?", Mick cuts in.

"I need more time. You're gonna have to create a distraction", Jax told Martin and suddenly we hear singing. Tyrel laughed ridiculously as we all had a confused face.

Once Jefferson cut off the feed, Tyrel and Mick compliments Martin's voice. "Ray, are you alright?", I asked him. "I'm alive at least. I was able to salvage the descent but it burnt too much fuel. The LEM can't launch into space", he panted.

"What about your suit?", I ask. "My thrusters were damaged in the fight. You guys are gonna have to pick me up", Ray responds.

"NASA must be going berserk right now. Fred and Jim..", Henry said behind my back. "Damn it!", Tyrel punched the wall closest to her and slicked her hair back, trying to figure out a way to get Ray out if there.

"Don't worry, we will get Apollo 13 home in one piece. Gideon, plot a course to the command module", I told Gideon as she right away does it. "Ray, well pick you up later", I told him and he replied back with a Roger that.

"Ray, you are near to the Sea of Tranquility. Head out and take Captain Steel's piece of the spear", Tyrel instructed him. "What about Mr Thawne?", Rip asks him.

"He's a little tied up right now", I hear a quiet laugh from Tyrel. Meanwhile, the lovebirds decided to have a chat but the ship is heading towards a bunch of space rocks.

"Good news, we found the command module. Bad news, it's heading towards a bunch of space rocks", I yelled to them while trying to put up our shields. "Meteoroid belts", Tyrel and Henry corrected me at the same time.

"Don't we have the tractor beam? Can't we pull the command module away from the Meteoroids?", Nate suggested. "No, no. The velocity of the command module would bring us closer to the Meteorites", Rip answers Nate.

"Which is why, I'm swing the ship around. I'm gonna try to stop the trajectory of the command module. Tyrel, I might need your help on the outside", I told her and she nods at me back. "Wait, what, why?", Henry and Rip both asked. "You'll see", Tyrel simply answered.

She runs to her room to get ready and soon float off to space. "Alright, Sara I'm right on top of ya", she says through the comms. "How are you breathing in space right now?", Rip questions her. "Long story and we don't really have much time for a QnA", Tyrel said sarcastically.

I pulled the tractor beam to retrieve the command module and felt the pull. "Sara, you need to abort. We're going to hit the meteorites", Rip suggested. "Better us then the Command module", I told him. "Plus, that's why Tyrel is up there", I added.

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