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Tyrel's POV

It's been a week since my first date with Robyn and next week is Barry and Iris's wedding. I already ask Robyn to be my date and I heard that Kara is going to be here for the dinner party. I hope there would not be any troubles coming our way.

Anyways, I'm in the Lab with Cisco and Caitlin and we're trying to figure out if DeVoe is a meta. Barry snuck a cup of his DNA and there was no match for a meta. Iris took Barry out to talk and I just stood there, staring into space.

"Are you okay, Ty?", Caitlin asked me and I went back to reality and smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm okay", I told her but Cisco and didn't believe me. "If I'm going to be honest, I was thinking about the possibilities that could happen at Barry and Iris's wedding. I'm just worried", I admitted and Caitlin came to hug me.

"You're overreacting, Ty. You should be happy now that you have a girlfriend and that your brother is going to be married to the love of his life", Cisco said and I sighed. "Yeah, you're right", I nod told the I'm overreacting.

"Hey, Ty. Could you do me a favour and look out for Barry in the department? He's going crazy about DeVoe", Iris asked me and I agreed to it. "I wanted to apply for the force anyways", I told her and she smiled at me.

I was about to walk away when she called me out. "By the way, Robyn is really good at her job. She's perfect for you", she says before walking off. I smiled to myself. I know she is, I thought.

Before I head to the department, I got Barry lunch, hoping he won't get confused or anything. When I wanted to enter the elevator, DeVoe and his wife came out of it. "Hey, your Professor DeVoe and you're Marlize DeVoe. I'm truly a big fan of your physics studies and you're theory about evolution", I told them and they both looked shocked but DeVoe had a smile.

"How old are you, child?", he asks. "I'm 18, Professor but I have an IQ of 190 and my emotional intelligence is higher than that but they all still treat me like a kid", I answered him. His wife seemed surprised and somewhat proud of me.

"Ignore them...Tyrel, Tyrel Thorne", I introduced myself to them. "Oh, you're Yasmine's second child, am I right?", Marlize asks and I nod. "You're mother and I use to be partners when we were in college. She was such a kind soul. I'm truly sorry for what happened to your family", she said and I shrugged.

"I learn to pass through it. So, what brings you two here at the department?", I ask them. "An officer has been harassing him lately and we filed a complaint against him", she answered and I nod. Barry, what did you do?

I wanted to read his mind but I know there was something about DeVoe I need to be careful about. "What about you, Ms Thorne?", DeVoe asked. "Oh, I was thinking about applying here as an officer. I know I'm too young but already completed my studies and had my degrees and I'm bored at home so", I answered.

"Such a shame you chose to be a cop. You have a great mind, maybe the greatest. Tell you what, come to my class tomorrow and just listen throughout. If you get bored, you can apply here. If you enjoy it, you can be my student leader", he offered and I thought about it.

"It's a deal, Professor", I shook his hand and let them leave first. I went up to Barry's office and greeted him but he speeds to hide something. "Hey Ty, why are you here?", he asked, acting weirdly.

"Iris told me to check up on you", I put the food down and saw his papers flying everywhere. "You still trying to figure out whether DeVoe is behind all this?", I asked as I made my way to his board and pull up the map to see his board cover led with evidence.

He sighs and slicks his hair back. "I know he's behind all this. His wife, she's helping him. She's got two doctorates, one in mechanical engineering and another in advanced robotics. They're helping each other, Ty. I know it", he states in his case.

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