Alien Invasion III

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Oliver's POV

Dig dragged me out of the room with Laurel to talk about the strange flashes we've been having. Tyrel didn't disagree which means she's into it too.

"We've been getting it too", Tyrel pointed out. "John, what's happening to us?", I asked him and he doesn't know. "Look", he stopped and so did we.

"I tried to draw these things together and", he took something out of his pocket. "I've never been much of a drawer but", he opened the piece of paper and showed us a picture of an alien.

"What the hell", he curses. "Its like these things messed with our minds", Tyrel spoke up. "I don't think any of this is real", I voiced out. "No, we are real, this is real", Dig said sternly.

Tyrel looked at us and had something in mind. "They've put me into a world where my mother isn't gone and my father is and you being the green arrow and Dig as Spartan", she figured it out. "I'm - I'm Shadow Mind. That's why I've been getting those flashes. Whatever those things did to our brains, it's not working because I can undo it", she adds.

"Well then, how do we figure it out?", Dig asked her. "The building, Smaok Technologies. It must be our way out", she put the pieces together. "It can't be that easy. They are gonna push back whatever we remember. Our real memories", I argued.

"Push back? Like how?", John asked me and soon saw Slade emerge from the bushes. "Like that", I pointed out. Slade started attacking us with his sword and we tried dodging it but he managed to flip the three of us over.

Then, we heard someone plunged a sword through his gut and turns out to be Sara. "Sara", I heard Tyrel whispered. We all stood up with Sara asking herself or us how she did that.

We quickly ran off the garden and into the mansion as John and I explained to Sara what has been happening. We stopped into a room and let her calm down.

"Sara, what was the last thing you remembered before you got here yesterday?", I asked her. Her face soon changed into a confused one but I knew she realised something. "You're remembering something. What is it? Concentrate Sara", I pushed a little.

"There was a fight!", she spoke up. "There was 6 of us and then - then we got taken by some beam of light", she tried explaining. "Taken where?", John asks her. "I don't - a spaceship. We were taken to their spaceship", Tyrel cuts her off.

"What? You're in this too", she turned to her. "Wait, is there something going on between you two?", I asked them both. Tyrel sighed and nod but said we should focus on this more. "Alright, you said there were six of us, who are the other two?", I asked Sara.

"Ray Palmer and - and Thea", I crossed my arms and faced her fully. "I mean if this is a dream or some kind of shared hallucination. Then, how do we wake up?", Sara got frustrated but Tyrel tried to calm her down.

"Smoak Technologies is one clue we have, maybe our gateway out of here is there", Tyrel suggested. "Great idea, love", Sara kissed her cheeks which surprised me a little but I ignored it.

"Ollie, I'll talk to Thea. Sara, talk to Ray. Diggie, gaurd the entrance in case anything comes up", Tyrel took charge but I argued. "I'll talk to Thea - No Ollie for once, listen to me and talk to Laurel. She needs you more", she tried to convince me. "She's right, we'll talk to Thea", Sara joined in and I gave in.

I didn't want to argue as it would just waste time so we head on out to the dining area. Sara went on to talk Ray out of this world and he agreed.

I saw Tyrel talking to my sister who was with Merlyn and Ashley. She pulled her to the side and started talking. I was distracted once my parents caught me not wearing my tuxedo.

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