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Tyrel's POV

Something feels wrong. I don't know what but I have a gut feeling about it. I woke up first like always and did my regular morning routine. While I was reading my book, I had a phone call and saw that it was Barry.

(Barry, Tyrel)

Tyrel, come quick. Oliver and I have something to show you
Does it have to be this early?
Yes, hurry! It's kind of an emergency too

I rolled my eyes and hung up. I saw Robyn finally got ready for work today. "Barry called. He says it's urgent. I have to go, I love you baby", I kissed her cheek and pecked her lips while hugging her tight. She giggled and nod at me.

"Be careful, babe", she yelled at me as I got my keys and jacket. I hurried down the stairs then to the basement. I hop on my bike and went to Star City to see the bunker. Once I reached there, I ran up the stairs and met up with Oliver and Barry.

"What's the emergency?", I asked them both. "What's our names, Ty?", Barry asked. "Is this a joke? I came her as fast as I could so I could name you two? Have you two lost your minds?!", I shouted and sat on the chair to catch my breath.

"Just name us, Ty!", Oliver asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're Oliver Queen and you're my brother, Barry Allen", I pointed at the two and saw big smiles on their faces. They hug me tight and I became even more confused. I pushed them away from me and straight up confront them about what the hell is going on.

"It's a long story but here's a short version. I woke up as Oliver Queen", Barry explained. "And I woke up as Barry next to Iris. It was really weird. Something is not right, Tyrel. We thought you were the only one who knew us and now that you do, you can help us figure out what the hell is happening to us", Oliver adds and I sighed.

"Okay, let me try something", I told them and they nod. I walk to Oliver first and put my hands on his head and try to lock in with us thoughts. When I closed my eyes, I see darkness. Nothing. I became frustrated and removed my hands and open my eyes.

"I got nothing, guys. I'm sorry. How about we go back to Central City and ask the team what's going on. Maybe Robyn recognises you two as who you are?", I suggested. Oliver groaned while Barry shrugged. "Come on", I told them and they followed me to the parking space. Oliver and Barry drove together while I rode my bike back to Star Labs.

When we reached there, Barry and Oliver rushed first and I shook my head. I understood this is a freaky and serious situation but sometimes they just act like kids. I hang back and let them both explain themselves but the team didn't believe them.

"Let me get this straight. You believe that you are not Barry Allen but in fact, he is?", H.R. points out and they both nod. "Barry, did you time travel again?", Caitlin asked. "No, I didn't", Barry answered but H.R corrected him and told him that she was asking Oliver the question.

"I am Barry!", Barry yelled in frustration which made Iris fold her arms in confusion and frustration too. "Yeah, and I'm wild dog", Cisco joked sarcastically. "Easy, wild dog", H.R hushed him and they got into a small banter.

"Do you mind if I?", Caitlin took a scanner and Barry allowed her. "What's with all this, Ty?", Robyn pulled me aside and asked me while whispering. "I know it sounds crazy but what they are saying is true. Someone is trying to mess with the universe and switched Barry and Oliver's identity. You gotta at least believe me, love", I explained and she sighed, liking into my pleading eyes.

"Fine, I'll believe you. Just saying this though, it really sounds crazy but if you believe it then, I do too", she responds and I kissed her as a thank you. "Let's get back to them", I told her and she nods, grabbing my hand then intertwined our fingers.

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