Fellowship Of The Spear

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Tyrel's POV

I woke up in my room alone and my phone not charge. I think I fell asleep when Robin and I were talking all night. She's an amazing girl and I would love to take her out on another date soon enough when this is over.

Anyways, I changed into my muscle t-shirt and some jeans then head out to the bridge where everyone always is. When I got there, they were already gathered and talking about how to destroy the spear.

"Good morning", I greeted them. "What's so goo about the morning?", Mick groaned as I stood next to Sara. "Here, Martin made you tea while you were asleep it'll help with your bruises and burns", Sara hand me a cup and I thanked her and the professor for it.

I drank it and it's nicely warm. "Perfect. So, what are your ideas?", I ask them, sipping the tea again. "Rip wants us to return back to the very place that killed our last member but the Legion's there and we have to get back our piece", Sara fills me into their plan.

"Well, let's go then. Amaya, I'll talk to Nate", I suggested and took the tea to the library where he will be at. I felt someone pull me back. "Wait, I need you to stay on the ship and when I say we need back up, you go out there and do whatever it takes, okay?", Sara told me and I nod at her.

"I love you", Sara said and I smiled at her, cupping her cheeks with my left hand. "I love you too, Sara Lance", I kisses her cheeks as I walked away from her.

"Knock, knock", I said to get Nate's attention. He rolled his eyes and closed the book he was reading. "I know I am the last person you want to see and talk to but I just want to say I'm sorry", I surrendered to him.

He stood tall, right in front of me then punched me into my gut. I groaned in pain as he hit my bruise where Rip sent me flying to the wall. I held it tight with my hands and leaned to the table. "I deserve that", I told him.

"Yeah well he didn't deserve to die", he yelled out his frustration. I slowly stood up and put out my arms. "Let it all out, big guy", I knew he was either going to hug me or beat the shit out of me. Turns out it was the second one.

Who knew Nate the nice guy will become this violent. Maybe he did something that tampered his childhood. He kept kicking me at the side once I fell down. I soon gave up and begged him to stop. It reminds me of my dad somehow.

"Nate, please, stop", I begged with tears flowing down my cheeks. He backed away and ran out the library. I crawled to the leg of a chair and climbed my way up. Everything hurts from my burns, yesterday, the bruises that haven't healed from the fight Rip and I had and I didn't eat food this morning.

"Gideon, please call Sara", I whispered before everything went black for me.

~~30 minutes later~~

I woke up in a very bright room and I knew it was the medbay. "Tyrel!", I heard Amaya call me. I look to my right and put a smile in before opening my eyes.

"You okay now, Nate?", I asked as I knew he was standing behind her. I open my eyes to see him with a guilty face. "Come here", I told him and he walked pass Amaya. I told him to lower his body so I could whisper to him.

"I forgive you", I whispered and he smiled at me. My entire body was tired and in pain. I couldn't move an inch. "Hi Amaya, how did the mission go?", I ask her. "We got the rest of the fragments so now Sara and Rip are figuring a way to destroy it", she updates me.

"They need to find the blood of Jesus Christ if they fail at finding that then, you would have to melt it into a volcano. That's all I can help out with", I told them and Amaya thanked me as she rushed out of the medbay.

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