Back On The Team

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Tyrel's POV

I woke up with Faith snuggling into me and I smiled, remembering last night. It rained and Faith was scared so I decided to stay with her through the night.

I gave a small kiss on her cheek before heading downstairs and preparing breakfast for the family. I saw Cecile and Iris up first and greeted them good morning.

"Anything I can do to help?", I ask them both. "Nah, we got this covered. Go for your morning run or something but be back before lunch", Cecile says and I nod.

I went back upstairs to shower and change into my gym outfit. It's been a while since I've seen Pedro. He's the guy that owns a private gym for boxers, or athletes to train and I always get to meet professional players there.

I even met the US women's soccer team before and became friends with Mal. She's a sweetheart but ever since the particle accelerator, we stop contacting each other.

I said my goodbyes to Iris and Cecile and head off to run about 3 miles around Central City then, head to the gym for some exercise. I greeted a few people I know from the city as I jog through the park and bought a bottle of water for myself to hydrate.

After my 3 mile run, I jog to the gym near Jitters where its underground and no one knows about it. I opened the door and smiled when I saw Pedro and his son, Max talking at the side.

"If it isn't Tyrel Throne!", Pedro shout to make everyone look at me as he walks towards me. "Hiya Pedro, Max", I greeted them. "What brings you here, kid?", he asked me.

"I thought you could teach me a few more moves, ya know. Boxing or martial arts?", I ask him. He laughs and Max just stays quiet. "I thought you everything I know even since you were a kid. Come meet my new client. She's a few years older than you but she's a nice one", he swings his arms around me and walked me to the locker room.

"Hey Rose!", Pedro yelled. I was met with a beautiful girl with brunette hair, blue eyes and a strong physique. She's a few inches shorter than me but she's still cute. "Yes Pedro?", She responds while looking at him then saw me.

"This is Tyrel, she use to me my top student before she had a few family issues

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"This is Tyrel, she use to me my top student before she had a few family issues. I want you to spar her today as practice. Hope you don't mind Ty", he turned to me. "I'm a little rusty but no rush", I told him and he laughs.

"It's nice to meet you Rose", I put out my hand and she shook it. "You as well. You can call me Robin though, Rose is my middle name", she says and I nod. "What's you full name?", I question her.

"Oh it's Robyn Rose Heath-Press. My mom's are Preath, ya know the soccer players that play for US", she explains and I nod. "Cool, well my name is Tyrel Alexandra Michael Thorne but you can call me Ty, Alex or any nickname you want", I told her and she smiled at me.

Oh my god her dimples. "You're cute", I complimented her. She blushed and smiled, looking down. "Thanks, not to bad yourself Ty", she said. Pedro then broke the silence and told us to warm up before heading to the ring.

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