Last Call

724 19 3

Tyrel's POV

I changed back into my regular clothes before leaving the hangar and kept my Shadow Mind suit in the trunk. I drove off back to Star Labs and park back in the garage.

As soon as I stepped into the main room, I was attacked but Wally and Iris. "Good to see you too, guys but I kinda need to breath", I patted their arms to let me go.

"Right sorry, Ty", Iris apologised. "Yeah hey, how are you?", Wally asked me. "Well, being in a dream world was a dream but having an alien mess with your mind and planting a chip in your brain was a doozy. Not to mention, Sara and I are being together but we'll figure that out soon. Anyways, Gideon fixed me up alright", I explained to them.

They looked confused yet excited and happy to see me but I could tell Joe was upset to see me. "You and Sara?! When? How?", Iris asked me, ignoring the silence between us.

"In the dream world, I guess. Turns out my mom had connections to Ollie's family and that's how I knew her. We were secretly dating there but it made us realise that the feeling was real and so after all this chaos, I'm going with the legends", I told them.

They didn't react. "I'm sorry guys but I need to get a break from Star labs. Sara told me that I'll be able to contact you guys from the ship as we time travel so don't worry. Plus, Gideon fixed up my feelings in my head so I'm alright", I add.

"So you're just going to leave?", Joe spoke up. "Joe, I'm sorry but I have to. It's not just about Sara but what Barry did will forever be in my head and I don't know how to put up an act for so long. Just look at Cisco, at least I'm mature enough to be professional about it. I really hope you guys would understand", I apologised but the next thing I heard made me cry.

"Why are you leaving me, Ty?", I turn to see my little sister with the stuffed monkey I gave to her before my siblings passed. "Monkey, come here", I bent down and motioned her to come to me. She ran into my arms and cried.

"Listen to me okay? I love you and I want you to be happy but I'm not happy here anymore. I'm leaving not because of you, okay? Remember that. I'll still come back home during the holidays and your birthday. I'll call you every night before bedtime, okay? Trust me, Faith", I start to cry but she nods into my chest.

"I love you too, Tyrel", she smiled at me while tears continued to flow in her eyes. "I trust you too", she adds. I smiled and hug her tighter. After a few minutes, I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

I look up to see Caitlin and I knew I had to go help them. "Barry texted me and told me to give you a final scan to make sure nothing went wrong during the surgery", she informed me and I nod. I let her do her check-up routine and also help me change my bandages.

After the check-up, Caitlin brought me to the Professor and I met with a beautiful woman. "Ah, Ms Thorne, what a delight. We could use your intelligence to create this device", Professor Stein pretended to be surprised and walked towards me.

I saw the equations on the board and knew what they were building already. "You're trying to make the device smaller, correct?", I asked him, pointing to the board that has equations on them.

"I'm sorry, we haven't met. My name's Tyrel but you can call me Ty or Alex. That's short for Alexandra, my middle name", I introduced myself to the stranger that was standing next to Professor Stein.

"Yeah, I've heard of you. My father tells me about your extraordinary powers a lot. My name's Lily", she introduced back to me and I was shocked but I knew what Stein did so I played it cool. "Well, it's rare for a person to be hit by both light and dark but I managed", I joked a little to make the atmosphere less awkward.

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