The Good, The Bad And The Cuddly

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Tyrel's POV

5 months has passed and everything was fine up until I got a call from Sara's ex girlfriend, Ava about the Legends being in trouble. Yeah, imagine how awkward that must be.

Anyways, she told us to meet at a building in Star city. Robyn was coming along because she wanted to help and Ava did say, she needed as much help as they need. Right now, Robyn was driving us to Star City to the buiding there. Once we reached there, we waited for her on the lobby but was met with someone else.

"Hi, you must be Shadow Mind and her companion", he greets us. "Just call us by our names. I'm Tyrel and my girlfriend name is Robyn", I told him and he nods. "Right, well my name is Gary and my boss is waiting for us upstairs along with the others", he said.

He slide his card on some key pad that opens the elevator door. We stepped in and went upstairs. When the doors open, I was in awe of the place. "Welcome to the Time Bureau", he spreads his hands out and showed us the entire place.

I immediately saw Jax and ran to him to hug. "Tyrel, hey", he greets. "Hey to you too, its been so long. I'm sorry I didn't visit you and Lily. I've been busy lately", I told him but then noticed the ring on his finger. "You're not Jax from this time are you?", I aks him and he shook his head.

"I'm from Five years from now. But the good news is that I'm married with a kid and you were there for us. Baby Ronnie was fond of you", he says and I hugged him again. "Oh hey, Robyn", He greets my girlfriend and I let him go.

"You two still going strong I hope", he says and we nod. "Yeah, I'm never letting her leave me", I wrapped my hand on her waist and kissed her cheeks, making her giggle and blush. Right then we saw two people in costume which I definitely recognise walking behind Ava.

"Tyrel Thorne, it's a pleasure to meet you face to face", Ava greeted me and I nod. "You too, Ava Sharpe. Ray was right about you being uptight and all in the pant suit", I joked but was hit on the shoulders by Robyn. "I'm Robyn Press, her girlfriend", Robyn introduced herself and shook her hand.

"Glad to have you here. We need as much help as we can get and since you all seem fond of The Legends, it just seemed right for you guys to help them against this demon named Mallus. But before that, Tyrel, Robyn and Jax meet Kuasa, Amaya's granddaughter and Helen of Troy. Kuasa and Helen, Meet Tyrel, Robyn and Jax, former legends", she introduced us to each other and I smiled greeting them all.

"Right, now that, we all have greeted one another. Let's get into business", Ava commanded. She showed us a recording of Sara's call and reviewed us on Mallus. Everyone was right about Ava and Sara, I can tell they were meant for each other. Both are stubborn and a born leader.

"So any questions?", she asks and I raised my hand. "Yes, Tyrel", she pointed to me. "Right yes, umm. Just one personal one, why did you two broke up?", I ask and they all looked at me. Robin once again punched me on my shoulders.

"Can we speak in private, Ms Thorne?", I nod and stood up, walking closer to her in one corner. "You have questions?", I ask and she nods. "Yes, when the Legends had took the death totem - It posessed Sara?", I cut her off and she nods.

"How did you know?", she ask me. "Nate's not the only historian but in his case he didn't learn Zambesi as well as I did. I knew that Zambesi had 6 totems from the beginning but the death totem side with Mallus because they wanted power and felt safer with that demon. Its not only the most powerful but is the most picky with the people that bears it. Who is the first person that comes to your mind when you think of someone who has escaped death more than once?", I told her and she got it.

"Sara", she said out loud and she's right. "What happened after you rescued her from the possession of Mallus?", I ask her. She sighed and told me that Sara thought she deserved a better person than Sara because of her past. Typical Sara.

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