Chapter Eleven

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Dear Adda Alisa,

You once said it will take a lifetime of eternity to be a good person, but it will take zero seconds to be a bad person.

Maybe this whole life is a test to many of us who are struggling to keep a normal life. Struggle after struggle, hardship after hardship and at the end of every battle we will all die.

There is a reason to every pain and laughter we experience but at the end of every pain or laughter, we will all be gone and long forgotten.

But the good things we do will never be forgotten because even if the world will forget, the earth will always hold on to that thing we did.

We're all bound to make mistakes and hurt people but the most acceptable soul is the one that never forget a good thing even if he was hurt at the end.

I never thought I willl meet you in my life, you came univitedly and beautify my life with beautiful colourful rainbows, you may not see it but in all the goods you did to me. I will never forget a single thing.

Don't be too sad when I'm gone, don't be heartbroken because in this lonely life we find ourselves in, we laugh, we cry, we smile and we love each other.

Something is telling me I will soon leave this world but I don't even know when.

I'm feeling as if I will not stand up from this sickness. So since I got this chance to write you a letter why shouldn't I, even if it will not be beautiful as always.

All my life I've never experienced what it means to be happy and live a good life until the day I met you and even though you're also struggling with your own life, you never lost a chance to make me happy.

You're always there for me and I thank you for that.

Dear Adda.....

I intend to write this letter with a smile on my face but the tears won't stop falling down but still I manage to smile because that's what I want you to do when you're reading it.

If you're reading this, that means I'm gone and I'm sorry for not fulfilling the promise I made to you.

I'm sorry for not coming out alive like I promised.

I'm sorry that you will cry and be shattered for a long time before you come back to your normal self.

I'm sorry for not coming out alive but Adda I fought like I said I will do.

I fought till I couldn't fight any more.

I'm sorry because I probably didn't get the chance to say a goodbye either.

I know you're fighting it hard not to cry while reading this but Adda don't be heartbroken just because I'm not there to smile with you.

Don't wallow in pain because you cannot hold me, eat food with me or sleep with me in our small bed.

I don't want you to go through that again after all the pain I caused you.

Adda you have a life ahead of you, a brighten one to be precise. I might not be there to see you suceed, I might not be there to see you build that orphanage into something great you've always want to but just know that I will always support you in any step you want to take even if I'm not there.

Adda don't change yourself because of me, don't distance yourself from people especially the children because they always look up to you. Always be there for them like you always did and whenever you feel lonely just know that I'm always close to your heart.

And lastly Adda I'm sorry for making you cry, I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you. I'm sorry that I couldn't repay you for all you did to me.

And I'm asking you to please forgive me so that I will continue to rest in peace.

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love
Over seas from coast to coast to find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again.

My Love.
                                With Love Nour.

Alisa's cheeks felt wet and when she raised her hand to feel it, she realized she was crying. She was crying for Nour that is now gone.

Nour is gone and she is free from all the hardship, pain, struggles, obstacles, unhappiness and sadness she encountered in her life.

She is free from all the hard blows life thrown at her.

She is now in a place where she will never come back again not to talk of going through that pain again. Alisa cried and cried.

"Don't cry for me when I'm gone but pray that I rest in peace wherever I go to."

How can Nour think of that.

It's hard especially when you lost someone you adore so much in your life.

Death is something that everyone is afraid of, because it separates you from your loved ones.

She don't know what she is feeling now because everything hurts.

She just can't put it into place that she is no more.

Is this how people feel when they miss someone very close to them?.

When everyday they see that person but one day he will just disappear as if he never existed in this world. By Allah it hurts so much, everything hurts.

She will not wake up and see Nour again, she will not see the person that taught her how to love and be loved, again.

A person that always gave her a shoulder to cry on is no more.

Alisa wish it was all a dream.

She tried to erase Nour's memories completely from her mind but failed misrablely.

She tried one more time but the same thing happen and as her eye lids began to close on their own.

Alisa tried to open them so that she will not think of Nour again but she can't deceive herself and that's how she welcome the darkness with open hands before she give it the permission to take her away.







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