Chapter Twenty One

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The shadows slipped up the rocks as though the world were drowning in darkness. Sabeeha looked as though her mind is far away from her current world, nothing is okay with her she knows that and she don't know when she will be.

She look at her step mother and step sisters from afar as they keep looking at the boxes they bought for her sisters marriage. Something she know for sure she will never do it in her life because her life was already tainted by a black stain that even the mountains will not wash it away.

She was a girl that had so many admires back then but ever since after the misfortune she find herself in, she don't think if she will ever get the chance to call herself a married woman in her life.

"Sabeeha what are you doing here, or do you want that your evil eye to affect your sisters also?," Her step mother said.

"Umma I'm just going to see it, I won't do anything that will harm them," Sabeeha said as she tried to conceal her emotion. She is trying hard to live in peace with them but they always hurt her.

After her mother passed away, Sabeeha felt like the world is against her, because she step into a new world that didn't like her.

Her father turned his back against her also and it hurt her so much because he is the only person she thought will never reject her even if the world said she is bad.But suprisinly he also stab her in a way she never thought will happen.

"We don't like having you close to us can't you see that because whenever you come close to us, something bad will happen," Her sister Rukayya said.

"Who knows whether you're planning to kill us and marry our husbands just like what you did to your mother," Abidah said.

The words they uttered were like daggers. How can she say this, how can they say she killed her mom. She love her mom and her absence affect her in a way it damage her mentally.

Sabeeha left the room because she couldn't stand those words coming out from the people she thought will never hurt her. Just as she step her foot outside their compound, the melodious adhaan filled her eardrum as she listen to the call of her creator.

Sabeeha repeated the places she is suppose to and after the Mu'adthin was done, she prayed for her mother's soul to rest in peace and silently she prayed that all this torture will come to an end.

Sabeeha was about to enter the room she was using ever after her mothers absence, it's a small room at the far end of the house.

It has one window, the roof of the room was leaking so even during raining Sabeeha will always find herself drenched in water, plus the door is half good, half open.

The room has not been used for years, it's like an abandoned room but here she was, using it and her father didn't say anything to stop them. She was just living like one begger in her father's house.

"Ke come here," Her father Malan Tanimu called.

Mallan Tanimu is in his mid sixties, he is short, dark in complexion, a man of few words who hailed from Adamawa.

He met Sabeeha's mother in her home town Maiduguri where he went for business while Sabeeha's mother went to buy some sticks she will be using to make some traditional perfumes (Turaren Wuta).

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