Chapter Nineteen

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Najar lying in the middle of the orphanage after he received a news that break his heart, beneath that tattered banana tree, partly obscured by the frangipani, which even now drops a single sweet flower beside his slightly face.

As usual Najar is wearing a grubby suit, and as he lies there, quite dead, his blue braces were visible to all the world and anyone can see that he has sewn on one of those buttons himself and he is in pain.

He has a thin face and at the moment it looks peaceful enough but his heart is not at peace especially when Farha told him the news that shattered his heart. At first he thought she was lying but then again, the look he saw on her face explained everything he needed to know.

It is only the acute angles struck by his long gangling limbs which announce the suddenness of his departure.

His cheeks are slightly sunken, and his large moustache (a moustache far too big for such a thin face) covers his mouth and leaves its expression as enigmatic as ever.

He clutched his chest, a stricken look taking over his features. everything seemed to slow down, frozen, unable to move. legs giving out, he collapsed, first to his knees, then to the ground, then the sezures started, his body convulsing unnaturaly and that's all it takes for him to lose his sanity.


Najar was taken to the hospital without any delay. Farha called Fu'ad and in a matter of some minutes, he was rushed to the emergency ward. Thankfully he was taken on time but still, the doctor doubt if Najar will ever make it because his heart is falling and at the same time he is not responding.

It's like his heart has also gone with no destination. His family were contacted and within a short period of time they arrived. His mother paced the hospital with stain tear on her face.

It's all her fault, she is the reason why her son is lying there helplessly and she doubt if she will ever forgive herself if something happen to him.

Fu'ad can see how the family are breaking down but Najar's father is trying to stay strong for their sake and his son also but one can tell that he is hurting inside.

"Labeebah!," I don't think if I will ever forgive you if something happen to my son," Najar's father said, his face showing no emotions towards his wife. He supposed to pity her especially after what she is facing now but no!, she caused this upon them and her greed lead their son to putting his life in danger.

She couldn't do anything. She was just staring at him unable to utter a word. She already know this side of him and she dare not utter a single word. It's over for her and she doubt if everything will be the same for her ever again.

She failed her children and husband. She failed them. Her husband has always been supporting her, giving her the upper hand even when he didn't want to, accepting her decisions even when he is against them, following her lead as if he doesn't have a say in everything but today as she stare at his emotionless face.

Labeebah can see the wall he built for her falling into pieces. She screamed as she slumped on the floor holding her chest in the process as the tears keep falling.

"Fu'ad follow me let's go and bring my daughter-in-law back and let's see who will stop me," Najar's father said his voice stern and authoritative.

Fu'ad looked down not wanting to raise his head and let the words of pain and agony slip from his mouth but he has no choice than to do this, "I'm sorry father but Alisa has left and no one know about her whereabouts."

Fu'ad's words hurt them hard especially Najar's mother, she is willing to accept Alisa as her daughter and their son as her grandchild but hearing Fu'ad uttering those words shatter her last string of hope.

"Don't do anything you'll regret Mammy," She can still hear Najar's words ringing in her brain but it's too late, so sad because unlucky for her. She has just find herself in the ocean of regret and she don't know when she will ever come out from it.

A stricken pain stab her, she tried to act brave as she offer a tired small smile but deep down, she is crumbling. All her fears are now staring at her, "Later" is all useless Mammy. I've have to do it now. I'll regret if I don't. I don't want to push things off to later. That's why I want to do it all now. Now." These are the words Alisa always said to Najar and on that day he said them to his mom but she never glanced back at him.

Truth be told Najar is not the one that will find himself regretting because she is the one that has fallen into a pit of regret.

She is suppose to be their home in which she offered them love with an everlasting smile on her face but sadly as she stare at her husband she felt guilt washing over her because her sorrows are caused by the only woman he promise to love till eternity.

They all sat in silence with so many emotions clouded in their heart and thought for the hours that followed. Everyone lost in his own world. They didn't know for how long they stayed there but when the doctor finally came out, they all stood up on their feet hoping to receive a good news.

"How is my son doctor?," Najar's father being the head of the family asked.

The doctor sighed as he looked at their worried faces. He intake a deep breath before he asked them to follow him to his office. He has to prepared himself before he told them the news that will change their lives.

They all stared at the doctor with gloomy faces their heart pounding with each second of silence that passed, "Well.....," The doctor started, it's hard for him also as a doctor and anybody that said doctor's don't go through a hard time with everything that has to do with their patients is just saying it.

No one knows what they face, no one knows how they break down whenever they lost a patient, especially someone they're attached to, no one knows how it's hard for them to face the patients family and tell them a devastating news. They're all humans and they go through all that phase but no one knows it. They just tried to act brave but they're crumbling deep inside their hearts.

"Your son here has a heart failure and his situation is worsening which I doubt if he will ever make it," The doctor release a shaky breath as he ran his thumb back and forth.

He raised his head to stare at them and he regret ever doing that because as he stared at Najar's sister, she froze, her eyes slowly moving upward as the tears brimmed her eyes and he wonder how they will take the rest of the information.

"He also has a tumor in his brain and he has to be operated," The doctor closed his eyes hoping they will just disappear from his sight. It's too hard for him and staring at them like this will make it worse for him.

"Will he survive?," Najar's father asked but how can the doctor tell him that Najar has a slight way of surviving and it's like he is no longer fighting for this battle.

He has given up, he no longer want to fight. The friendly and lively Najar is now giving up on the battle he find himself in and it's all happen because of love.

Finally they walked out of the doctor's office like zombies. Najar's father looked at Labeeba and said to her, "I don't ever want to see you close to him and if anything happens to him. I will never forgive you and if he lost his life because of this battle you're the one that killed him Labeeba," He said as he walked away from her not giving her a second glance.








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