Chapter Fifteen

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Alisa stared at the star that's twinkling above the sky.

Her gaze was on the shining star and it's like the stars are twinkling directly at her while her lips are set into a small invisible smile.

Even though she was able to smile a little after so many days. Her mind is somewhere else.

She leave with the hope of not facing her past again and after she was able to start living a new life.

He appeared again and all those blocks she put was shattered the moment she saw him.

He look misrable.

She can see his pain.

She can read his hidden thought and all she was left at that time was emptiness.

She will not say that she didn’t miss him. She would be lying if she said so because he was the first person that taught her how to love herself despite everything she is facing.

They build a home that's filled with love and peace.

"Don't let anyone have my spot because I will come back for you. Just wait for me."

This is what he said. They're simple yet powerful words.

At first she didn't bother to ponder on his words because they're no longer together but now that she faced the whole truth.

She don't know if he came back for her to take that spot again or not.

But she is afraid because while on one hand is Fu'ad, on the other hand is Najar.

Why is destiny playing with her life like this and why would that destiny choose best friends to fight over her?.

Just why?.

Never had she imagined her life like this.

Never had she imagined to be an orphan who doesn't know her parents or have any clue of her identity.

Never had she imagined herself to find true love.

Never had she imagined getting married to that person despite the fact that they're two souls from two different world's.

While the man she got married to know his identity. He end up getting hitched to an unknown girl.

And never had she imagined herself being a divorcee by that man she fall in love with because his mother doesn't love her and her son can't end up with an unknown girl.

Never had she imagined her life to be in such a mess.

Alisa is going through a lot of shot in her life.

First is her love life, then Fu'ad came into the picture. Nour's death and now she is back to square one again.

One thing she is sure with is that Najar will not give up easily on her and she doesn't know the things Fu'ad is capable of doing.

She don't want two best friends to fight because of her.

The thing is Alisa didn't care about anything now.

She don't want to go back to Najar nor does she want to fall in love with Fu'ad again.

She is all alone in her world while they're not alone in their own world.

They have families, friends, relatives, siblings and above all they have parents while she doesn't have any one of the things they have.

In as much as she want to live a perfect life, she doesn't want to face another rejection by both familes again.

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