Chapter Twenty

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The canopies of life will not always fall like the fresh flowers that always fall from the tree because even the flowers stop blooming with years. But maybe those canopies will fall in many different ways. Each canopy has a seed in it just like each life is entwined with fate and destiny both contributing to that canopy of life.

Maybe life is just an assignment and those canopies are the fate and destiny while the key to every assignment is chosing a road to follow. Be it a good or bad road but at the end of each road, a person should make use of the road he choose and be responsible for the result.

Each person is created with a destiny and along the way, fate happens to be in between that destiny.

Fu'ad looked at his life and Alisa's life remind him that; Those who hurt other's forget and those who get hurt remember forever. And truth be told the reality is staring deeply at him. Both Najar and Alisa are victims but the ones behind their miseries had long forgotten that they had hurt a soul.

Just this remind him that he has also hurt a soul and he has completely forgot about that until recently when he saw the bitter reality staring back at him. Fu'ad's life makes him feel as if he is living a wealthiest life called paradise not until he met some people that are entwined by destiny for a short period of time.

Alisa who changed his life, Nour who showed him how to live life loving the person you truly love with all your heart and give smile in return while Najar who taught him what it means to never hurt a person no matter what.

People say life happens but we choose how to live with it.

And those three has shown him what it means to live a life because the reason behind everything that disappears. The Lord that makes everything vanish. It sure must be lonely to love the things that disappear, they will disappear as if they never existed in your life. Lonely enough not to ever want to love them. But at the end those things that disappear from your sight are the most beautiful things.

As Fu'ad stare at the morning sunlight he made a choice, a choice he don't want to regret. He can remember Alisa telling him that; Don't do anything you'll regret. You know, the thing is. "Later" is all useless. You have to do it now. You'll regret if you don't. So don't push things off to later. Do it all now. Now.

He can see Najar regretting many things in his life. He regret loving Alisa and making her go through such pain, he regret ever crossing her path, he regret his mother being the source of all their pains and the hurtful regret is not knowing the existence of his only son. Leaving Alisa who doesn't have any one to support her to bear all pain.

And just in that moment Fu'ad knew that Najar will keep regretting till his last breath and he don't want to also have that king of regret. So he is ready to mend his heart for good to avoid having a painful regret in his life.

Fu'ad doesn't know how Alisa and  Najar will find each other again but he just hope that even when there is no ink to scribble a word of how their story will end. He hope and pray that their breath will colide in order to produce a fragrance only them will understand.

To Najar he can't live without Alisa.
To Alisa she can't hurt him and be the reason why he has problems with his family. But to Fu'ad they can't be together if the canopies of life didn't want them together. It's their story and they decide how to end it but still destiny will give the final result.

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