Chapter Twenty-Two

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A hysterical Sabeeha run into the hospital as far as her legs can take her. Her heart beating rapidly, her breath seizing with every air she take and her legs weaken with every step she take.

Fu'ad was behind her, he had no idea why she was behaving in that manner after she received a call and he don't know what she was doing here in this hospital but nevertheless he followed her because he can't just let her be on her own especially in the situation she find herself in.

Sabeeha entered the hospital, her wrapper was inappropriately drawn on her waist, her veil was long forgotten while her scarf has been dangling from one place to another.

She went straight to a room upstairs without the help of anyone which shows she has been coming to this place for long and Fu'ad wondered what she is doing here?.

When she was staring at the room Sabeeha couldn't take a step any longer, she was just staring at the room unable to move from where she was. Fu'ad managed to look through the window and that's when he saw a small girl of about five to six years old lying helplessly with doctors surrounding her pale body.

The doctor was trying to look for veins in the girls body, while a nurse was trying to stable the small girl, all in all they're all trying to make sure nothing goes wrong but the girls is trying to give up on this fight.

Fu'ad couldn't look any longer because this scene remind him of a sad memory he once find himself in, he looked back to where Sabeeha was and she was still in the same spot he left her. Before Fu'ad could utter a word to Sabeeha, the door to the girls room was open and the figure of a doctor in his mid thirties came into view.

The doctor was dressed in green scrubs, his black hair was shining like the morning sunlight. Fu'ad look straight to get a better look and hear what he has to say.

He is an Arabian looking with large brown eyes, his hair neatly combed with oil. He had the lithe movement of an athlete and the easy smile of one visiting a dear friend.

The doctor had the posture of a soldier. Every action he took was precise and purposeful. He smiled in the cold and distant way professionals do. Sabeeha can never relax around such expressions. She need a genuine face, preferably a smile because she know what will come next is not something that's pleasing, but if not he'd really rather didn't fake it.

The doctor removed his glasses before he set his eyes on a devastated Sabeeha, "Follow me," He spoke with an american accent and with his hands. With each word the fine fingers would flourish into the stagnant hospital air like birds, then settle as Sabeeha listened to hear what he was going to tell her like she had all the time in the world and nothing could.

Fu'ad and Sabeeha followed him to his office, he ask them to take a set but Sabeeha couldn't do so because it's like her legs were tied in one place.

"I've told you this Miss Sabeeha you've to gather the money for her treatment if you really want to save her, her situation is worsening and I don't want the bad to happen to her. We can't help her here because we don't have the equipment."

The doctor spoke his words were the "off switch" for his internal storm. He was the calm, the sunshine and a summer breeze. At first Sabeeha wasn't sure why, yet then she realised, he was so genuine, because he has been helping her even when her family turned their back on her.

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