Chapter One

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(This is the best I know how to edit, if there are more things that need to be edited in this chapter please tell me!)

Walking down the halls while people throw things at me I keep my head down and walk to my locker. "Hu-Slut-hu!" People pretend to cough, but I am not a slut, I am a virgin. I've never done anything with a guy before but I am sure I will soon. No telling what my father will do to me.

"Hey Trella, lets go get breakfast." My best friend tugs me into the cafe to get some food, I push my glasses up to my face so I can see my toes better. I have been miserable all day, my arms are so sore from last night, I wear a long sleeve shirt with large bandages around my arms, but enough so they don't get noticed. "Trella, look at Miss. Perfect." I turn to where she points while we walk and see that her shirt no longer is fitting, she has a small bulge forming, oh my number two pencil! Miss. Perfect is pregnant! I small snicker forms on my face when suddenly two sets of hands grab my shoulders and roughly shove me to the ground. My uniform skirt rising to my underwear and I quickly hide them.

"Look at the slut! Shes so clumsy!" Looking up to see Slade, the most popular, guy in school. The quarterback, hes been held back but that's just because the school needs him to win. Hes a very good player but hes a very mean person, along with being a bully. "And look, she cuts!" He grabs me by the arms roughly making me want to scream in pain, he rips down my jacket and rips off my bloody bandages exposing my fresh wounds.

"That's enough 'air head'!" Camille screams slamming her text book on the back of his head, he lets me go and I knee him in the crotch and run as fast as I can out of the cafe. I run crying into the bathrooms and sob letting my arms run under the harsh water. I cringe loudly at the affects of the water into my fresh wounds, I did some this morning. "Trella!" Camille runs into the bathroom and throws her things on the floor rushing to my side. "You said you would stop this." She says, I only look away from her so disappointed in myself, why did I do this to myself?

"I'm sorry." I mutter, my husky voice low from screaming last night, my dad abused me again, that drunk, he hurt me places he knew no one would see. No one knows, not even Camille.

"Just stop...Trella I don't want something to happen to you, I don't want to get a phone call one day saying you died! I don't care if it wasn't your intention it happens. Please don't, just like you, your my only friend." We have a pretty great personality so not much will offend each other, so I just smile weakly. "I'm going on a date tonight, you should come with."

"I don't want you to treat me like your daughter. You don't have to bring me everywhere you go, plus I don't want to be your third wheel." My chest clenches, I do want to go so badly, my dad go so angry at me this morning he said the moment I get home from school we are going to have a 'talk'.

"Please...your brother told me...about your dad...please come with me I am begging you!" Tears well up in her own eyes, she gently dabs my arms but I hiss in pain.

"I cant, he could kill me if he wanted." Now I feel even more ashamed that she knows, my brother wasn't supposed to tell now he is going to get into so much trouble.

"I am going to call the cops on him then."

"Please don't, please... my mom will be so angry, just promise me. This is the only secret I will ever want you to hide. No one can know this." Even though my mom is dead, and everyone knows it, I still try to keep her with me, shes my anchor, she makes me feel safe thinking she can still protect me. I sniff weakly and turn off the water, just then one of the stalls open and little Miss. Perfect walks out adjusting her shirt over her bump and washes her hands.

"Oh don't mind me, I was just texting my girls about my daddy problems too."

"Screw you!" I snarl at her but she only laughs.

"I didn't have to, someone did it for me." She chirps walking out of the bathroom, my heart sinks and all I want to do is die, I don't want anyone to know, and that's the first thing that she is going to do, tell the whole school. I look up into Camille's eyes and start sobbing, that is what she is going to do immediately, my secret is out, this is all my fault! My dad is so going to kill me for sure!

"Don't worry about it okay? Lets get some breakfast then lets go to class okay? How does that sound?" She asks me patting my tears away, I never wear makeup because I don't care about it, and my dad doesn't want people to like me, poking around my business so no one knows he beats me. So all natural, hardly ever a bra only when he is in a good mood, which sucks because I need one. Only glasses and a retainer. "Tonight I want to take you to a salon, a girls night instead I will cancel my date and we can go get facials and we can do you all up pretty and go to the game tonight. Its done and settled and if your dad doesn't like it he can kiss my-"

"Camille..." I mutter grabbing my books I walk out of the bathroom, past her and she quickly follows right next to me, I don't even know why she is hanging out with me? I don't know how we even became friends, she is a popular and I have so many issues.

"Sorry." She links arms with me weakly and she walks confidently back into the cafe and to see Miss. Perfect showing all the jocks her video she has, they all pretend pout and cry but end up laughing. That's me, I know it, and if she wasn't pregnant I would beat the tar out of her, it wouldn't be the first time I have done it. "We will have two mocha's and with extra cream, and some cinnamon chips, we will also have bagels." A rough hand grabs my shoulder and rips me around so I am facing them.

"Hey pumpkin wanna go compare daddy stories?" Slade asks me getting in my face, my whole body trembles with terror seeing him this close to me, and him of all people I didn't want to know.

"Go back to your pregnant girlfriend, shes horny." I mutter to him, it meant to be confident but its sadly not, his face turns to anger now. He grabs me by the throat gripping it hard, Camille desperately tries to pry my hands away from my throat while I gasp for air.

"She isn't my girlfriend, and that sure as hell is not my baby. Get your facts straight!" He shoves me back slipping on my own shoes and slamming my head back on the cafe tray slider falling down unconscious.


Trying out a new story, I dont know how to make it a fanfic? sorry this should be the only one that isnt, so comment and vote please tell me how you like it!

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