Chapter Six

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"You must be Trella?" Their mother asks, she quickly pulls me into a hug and I hug her tightly back, all I have ever wanted was a hug from my parents, I guess I will have to get use to them. "We have heard so much about you!" I pull away and raise an eye brow when she giggles. "Slade talks about you everyday!"  I turn to him slightly embarrassed and his cheeks are a bright red.

"Mom..." He mutters and she laughs at him so does his father.

"Lets show you to your room, you are going to need to get comfortable because the little we have heard we are convinced you are living with us forever." Great, that's the last thing I want to hear, that my brother wont be coming back in a sense. I give her a weak smile and she shows me up the beautiful spiral staircase, up into a beautiful hall of rooms. "This one will be yours, it was my nieces when she lived here, its yours now." She opens the bedroom and shows me inside the massive bedroom, its like a master bedroom! My bed is up on a platform, its all purple, my favorite color! The door shuts behind me and locks, looking over I see her, shes putting on latex gloves. "Could you take off your clothes for me please?" I stare at her in horror, what is she going to do to me that she has to put those gloves on?

"What are you going to do to me?" My words shake and I back away onto the desk but she only sighs.

"I work with Child Protective Services, I need you to take off your clothes so I can take pictures of the scars and send them into the office tonight, we need to put your dad in prison."

"What about my brother? Hes home now, my dad whips him! Please save him!"

"We will try everything we can now please take off your clothes, leave only your undergarments on." I do as she says, jiggling off my uniform and clothes. It feels colder, my hand rushes up to my elbow holding it trying to keep warm, also embarrassed of my body, she eyes my body with pain in her eyes before she pulls out her camera. "Could you move your hand please?" I slowly let my hand down and slump, this is so embarrassing, its as if she can stare into my soul and see all the things about me and judge me for them. She carefully slips off my glasses before she starts taking her pictures, she gets close to almost all of them then gets pictures of me from far away. "So how did this all start?"

"My mother died on Valentines day my freshman year." I say weakly with my head down, she takes my arms and carefully takes the bandages off. "Those are mine..." I whisper, she looks up into my pain filled eyes and she nods with a small sigh.

"Your not allowed to do this under this roof okay?Your safe now and so there is no need for this." I nod my head in understanding, but its my drug, I don't know if I will be able to stop it. "We are also foster parents, so kids come and go through here a lot, like there is a girl next door to you, shes very nice. Her name is Esmerelda." I nod my head, I don't want another person to know about me, to know I'm here for safety against my father. "Shes a bit older than you but not yet eighteen, but her papers are going through so we can adopt her."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask  and her cold fingers trail along my biggest scar, from the small of my back all along my spine and up to the top of my neck line. My body shivers against her cold touch, scared she could use this information against me. 

"What happened here?" She asks gently and kindly, her words loving, breaking the wall around my heart slightly. I stiffen remembering the horrible memories of how I got that scar, and that entire night. 

"I-I...m-my dad was really drunk...he uh... I was cooking and dropped a pan. He was hung over so the sound was...loud and he...took a knife and slashed my back." Looking down to my shoes my body trembles afraid, I just want to be home, my dad is going to be so mad. "I want my brother." I whisper mostly to myself, I want him back.

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