Chapter Eighteen

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"Slade..." I mutter looking down to the blood thats now seeping onto my bed, Im too terrified to move, too confused and scared. I grab my cramping stomach and look up to him with teary eyes but he only stares at the blood dripping down my thighs with his hands in his hair staring at it in horror. "Slade! If you want this baby get your mother!" I scream at him tears pooling into my eyes, I blink them over my eyes and they stream down my cheeks. He runs out of the room screaming.

"Mom!" He screams frantically, he runs back in but stands in the corner, this baby was better unknown or else there wouldnt have been so much stress about it. She comes pounding into the room along with everyone else in the house.

"What is it?" She asks frantic coming back over to me, she looks to my thighs and gasps. "Slade get her into the car, Esmerelda if you want to come you can, Preston go get the car started." She barks, Mr. Ericson grabs his phone and starts making phone calls. "Its okay Trella everything will be okay. Slade!" She barks to him, he hesitates before grabbing me bridal style and running down the stairs. I cry more, I just found out today but Im still so sad, my baby is gone, I know what blood means, it means your baby is gone.

"Its okay the baby will be okay." He mutters but it doesnt help.

"Shut up!" I bark to him, he cringes sliding me into the car, Mr. Ericson, still on the phone, hands Slade a towel and he slides it under me. "You didnt even want it in the first place! So shut up and leave me alone!" I snap tears flowing down my cheeks. He hesitates before Esmerelda shoves him in the car next to me, Esmerelda jumps in too, Preston is in the drivers side, Tammi is in the pasanger, and Mr. Ericson is outside the car, he climbs in over us before Preston drives away. I cant lose my little baby, I thought I could terminate the pregnancy but I cant, I lied I just cant.

"Im sorry Trella I didnt-"

"I said shut up! This is your fault! If you would have been happy about it then I wouldnt have stressed out about it and lost the baby!" I shout with so much anger in my voice, I hold my legs tightly so I dont hold anyone elses hands. No one says anything, I dont know why they even care about me, or the baby.

"Why are you being rude? This is my baby too! Not just yours!" He snaps back to me, I fume angrilly, I rip off my rings and slam them in his lap.

"Here! Im through with you! I was such an idiot to think that someone could love something so broken! You only wanted me for sex! I was an easy target! Well you got it!" I scream at him and the air gets even more tense, I can feel most the eyes on me, its not my fault! He is the one who used me! The one who played me and killed my baby!

"Good! Glad you feel that way! I didnt want you or that peice of shit any ways! Pull over this stupid car now! I want nothing to do with this!" He yells at us all, Tammi gasps and turns around to Slade, I just start to sob harder, he did use me, I cant belive this! Esmerelda wraps her hands around me and all hell breaks loose.

"Slade! How dare you say that to her! You do not say that ever! You should know what this feels like, its not your first! Your an adult now, so start acting like one! I cannot belive you would say such things!"

"You are not the boy we raised you to be! You appologize right now!" Mr. Ericson demands, I start zoning out anyways, all this is too much, I would much rather go back to my father than do this, this is too much for me.

"Im not going to if I dont mean it! Let me out Preston right now!" He screams to him fuming, madder than I have ever seen him in my life.

"No, you are supporting your fiance wether you like it or not." He says still driving to the hospital, we pull into the parking lot and the doors open, everyone piles out but Slade, he stays in the car not looking at anyone at all.

"Your such a child!" I shout and walk quickly into the hospital, I cant lose this baby, I need it. Its the last bit of family I have left.

"Hello how may I help you?" The receptionist asks us, how did I get here?

"My daughter is pregnant and we think she is losing the baby, shes bleeding." Tammi says, Esmerelda holds onto my arms tightly, I want someone to cover my butt its embarrising.

"Right through those doors, please fill out this in the mean time." I quickly turn to Esmerelda.

"I only want her in the room please." I mutter the tears still in my eyes, they all look from one to another, they all agree.

"Come on." She tugs on my arms to hurry but I dont want to know the truth that my child is gone. I dont want to know the truth that my baby is really gone, dead, and no longer living inside me. Esmerelda takes me into the exam room and there waits a doctor, I sit down on the table and stare at the wall so deflated.

"Hello, whats the problem today?" He asks, he couldnt have worded that worse, today? What is the problem today? As in he knows them all!

"I think I m-miscarried." I say softly not looking up to him, I hear him sigh sympathetically.

"Lets take a look shall we? Can you slide off your pants?" He asks me, Esmerelda grabs my hand tightly while I slip off my pants, he motions for my underwear as well, I do that shyly and embarassed, its covered in blood down there. "How far along are you?" He puts gloves on then pulls out his ultrasound machine.

"Three weeks I think..." I say, he puts my legs up and puts the doppler inside and my eyes widen freaking out. I turn to Esmerelda uncomfortable and scared senseless.

"Its okay, your baby is too small to do a regular exam, just relax okay?" He fiddles around some, but I cant relax when that thing is inside me! He moves it around some before stopping and zooming in on my uterus, I look at the screen only seeing dark. "Your baby is fine, healthy and fine, growing perfectly, its a little smaller than a poppy seed but perfectly healthy. Your blood pressure is high so you are going to need to take it easy, and eat. It was just a scare, the bleeding is your body getting used to being pregnant with no period, it will bleed throught your pregnancy, but if you have sever cramps with more blood than this please come in immediatly. Here is your scan, take it easy and have a good day okay?" He looks into my eyes sympathetically handing me my small little scan photo, he takes the doppler out of me and turns off the machine. "Here are some scrub pants, the bleeding should stop tomorrow, no tampons only pads okay? Have a good day." He says with a small smile handing me scrub pants, I take them and stand up still numb, my baby is okay!

He leaves the room from us and I slide on the pants with Esmerelda still silent. "My little neice or nephew is okay! Its okay!" She claps with joy and excitement but I stop her.

"Dont tell anyone please, I dont want Slade knowing." I mutter turning back to her throwing my clothes in the garbage, she stares at me confused but nods.

Both of us approach the waiting room where everyone rush to me, Slade is in here too and hurrys to me expecting the news. "The baby didnt make it..." Esmerelda cuts me off so she breaks the news, tears spring into my eyes, they are of joy but to them they are of saddness. I look up to Slade and his face pales before he steps closer to me.

"Im so sorry." He mutters tears in his own eyes but I turn away.

"Were not together, your off the hook its gone, now leave me alone, I will be out of your hair by this afternoon." I mutter shoving my way past them towards the car, I cant stay with them! They cant know its alive or Slade will hurt me, he already did.

"Trella please..." Slade begs me but I keep walking not answering me.

"You got what you wanted now stop trying to protect something thats not here any more. I dont like you, I dont love you, I never did."


Oh snap! I am moving this afternoon so I wont be updating till later since everything is hectic!!! Im flying back to Las Vegas, Ive lived there for 10 years previously so Im not excited to go back, but whatever!! I was destined to stay there!!!! COMMENT!! Trella can snap!! Love ya!!

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